July 21, 2010
Bell's Batch 9,000
Tonight’s beer is one I picked up a while back; I just haven’t gotten around to trying it. I decided that tonight was going to be the night. Tonight I’m trying Batch 9,000 Ale by Bell’s Brewery in Comstock, MI.

The method of delivery was a 12 oz brown bottle. There is light yellow label with a yellow border. At the top is the Bell’s logo. Taking up most of the middle is a square with the name “Batch 9,000 ale” in it. It also states that this is a commemorative brew and that it is brewed with molasses and brewer’s licorice.
When I poured it into a glass, it had a dark brown coloring to it. There was just a hint of a ruby or garnet tint. This is a very dark and thick looking beer. It’s so opaque that as some light passes through, but only at the edges. A beige head formed consisting of tiny, dense bubbles. IT fades slowly to a film at the top of the beer and a ring around the edge of the beer. There is some lacing on the glass.
There is a strong and intense aroma to this beer. Mostly it is of dark fruits, molasses, cherries and bourbon. You can also detect the noticeable smell of alcohol. The flavor is very complex. You can make out a distinct combination of plums, dates, toffee, bourbon, vanilla, some spice and alcohol. The flavor opens up more as the beer warms closer to room temperature. It’s hard to pin point any single taste that over powers the others, they mix together in a strong, but pleasant style.
This is a medium to heavy bodied beer. There is some coating in the mouth. There is some burning from the high 12.5% ABV when swallowed, and a warming in the stomach.
I was really impressed with this beer. It tasted fantastic; however, drinking it on a day where the temps reached the 90’s probably wasn’t the best idea. This is more of a cold/cooler weather beer. The burning sensation coupled with a hot summer day really distracts from the beer. The high ABV, while noticeable, really does not distract from the overall taste of the beer. This is a limited edition beer, so if you can get your hands on it, I would recommend picking one up. If you do, I would put it in a cool and dark pace to store for a cool fall or winter night to enjoy. I give it 7 out of 10.
Ok, I'm confused... if it was made with brewer's licorice, why was licorice not one of the flavors on the list?
Or did you not mention it because it just goes without saying?
Posted by: Harvey at July 31, 2010 09:15 PM