September 21, 2008
I survived... maybe?
Okay, it's just after noon here and I'm still getting information about all that happened yesterday. I'm going to start at the beginning to tell the whole story.
First off, Shadoglare, Wes, Boopie and I went shooting. I was hoping some others would join us, but they weren't able to. This was Boopie's first time shooting modern firearms and he did pretty good for his first time. He shot my Colt 1991 .45, Taurus .357 Tracker, Walther PPK .380, The AK-47 and he even put one round through the Mosin-Nagant M44. He decided that he didn't like the kick of the Mosin.
At the range there was a a guy that had a German MG-42 machine gun. We only got to see him fire a couple of rounds through it as he was having problems with it loading properly and kept jamming.
After the shoot we returned to the house to find Petey, Wil and Red already drinking and waiting on us. Of course once we got the firearms unloaded we were eager to join them in the activities.
Now, this is where things start to get a little fuzzy.
So at this point I'm blogging with hazzy and hole filled memory. I know Bruce stopped by for part of the day, but he left early. I don't remember Graumagus showing up, but apparently he did as he left a post on here. I know that there was some puking... not by me... and apparently people started taking their shirts off... again not me. Unfortunatly this was not good shirtless... this was man boob shirtless.
I know that I finally came into the house around 3:00 AM. I fell asleep earlier than that, but they were nice enough to let me sleep where I sat.
I can see I missed some blogs again, but damn, looking at the time stamp on my BlogCrawl post that I was pretty drunk early on. I also know that it was hard to work the blogroll as the computer wouldn't sit still.
Even thought I don't remember a whole lot, I can see it was a good and successful BlogCrawl. And since I survived, I will proudly display my badge of honor!

September 20, 2008
Blogcrrawl 098 post!
I refus eto edit this post, I'mk back from the rang and m>aking comints! yea, I've draink al ot at the beer teasting but dammit What is it for? We've got abotu 16 people in my back hyard including Shagodlare, Wes, PEtehy, Bruce and comse blogless friends! Graumagus is going us later.
Shagoglaqre, wes, boopie qnd I went shoooting earlier. We had a lot of fun and shot a lot of ammo. The rest of them caught up to us at our, ktreva and mine, house when we returned.
Now I'm making comments!
The time has come and we have our BlogCrawl! I'm getting ready to head out to the shooting fest, but I wanted to make sure that everyone knows the activities and rules.
We should be at the Buffalo Range around 11:00 AM. We should be back to Rockford around 3:00 PM. Then the drinking is on.
There is a chat room for those that want to chat later in the night. You can enter the BlogCrawl chat by clicking the link. The password is an original blogcrawl
The logos:

Thanks Pamibe!
The Rules:
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!
2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 20 and 7:00 AM CST September 21th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
Okay, there we go, let's have a great BlogCrawl!
September 19, 2008
BlogCrawl 08 is almost here!
The BlogCrawl is tomorrow! Don't forget! Just so you remember, here are the rules.
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!
2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 20 and 7:00 AM CST September 21th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
And there will be a chat available!
September 15, 2008
Blogcrawl '08 update.
I haven't received much of a response on this years BlogCrawl. So I thought I would tantalize you with some more details. First off, we are going to be shooting at the Buffalo Range in Ottawa, IL. After shooting we are going to head back to my place for a beer tasting, we should be there around 3:00PM. give or take half an hour.
EVERYONE is welcome, just let me know.
Now, I would like to see a lot of people to participate. So please, spread the word. Let's have some fun! Oh, and just in case you really want to know, here is the logo that Pamibe has done for this year.

You know you want one of these on your blog! I'm holding onto the designated Driver, Survivor and extra special pimped out Survivor logo!
September 10, 2008
Blogcrawl '08!
Okay folks, because of my predicament with Tulsa, I wasn't sure this was going to happen this year. Now that I'm coming home predominantly, it sure the heck is! I'd like to get as many people as possible to join the Blogcrawl this year. The Date is September 20th!
What is the Blogcrawl?
The Blogcrawlis a night that you are supposed to get intoxicated to a level of personal comfort and make comments on blogs. Why? Because I love reading drunken comments. Of course there are some rules with the blog crawl and they go like this:
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!
2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 20 and 7:00 AM CST September 21th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
The day's activities will start off with the second annual BlogCrawl shooting fest at the Buffalo Range in Ottawa, IL. This is open to anyone that wants to go shooting, even if you don't want to do the rest of the activities. If you are interested in carpooling with me, we'll make arrangements when the time gets closer.
After shooting we can all get together for a Beer Tasting. Taking in some of the lessons I learned from the last event, we'll only be tasting six beers before getting to business. The actual Beer Tasting will be RSVP. You need to let me know if you want to participate in the beer tasting and if you want to supply one of the beers. Please let me know by September 18th. If you want to come and socialize and just hang out, you are more then welcome and you don't need to RSVP.
After the Beer Tasting we will have an open party. In stead of going to a bar, we'll be building a fire and drinking beer here. I have a computer and wireless so we can all comment together for the actual BlogCrawl. Depending on the weather. If it's really crappy we'll be inside.
So come, have fun, lets do it right!
June 11, 2008
BlogCrawl 2008
Alright folks, it's months away but it's time to mark the calendars and start to get things ready. The next BlogCrawl is going to be Scheduled on Saturday September 20th, 2008!
The day's activities will start off with the second annual BlogCrawl shooting fest at the Buffalo Range in Ottawa, IL. This is open to anyone that wants to go shooting, even if you don't want to do the rest of the activities. If you are interested in carpooling with me, we'll make arrangements when the time gets closer.
After shooting we can all get together for a Beer Tasting. Taking in some of the lessons I learned from the last event, we'll only be tasting six beers before getting to business. The actual Beer Tasting will be RSVP. You need to let me know if you want to participate in the beer tasting and if you want to supply one of the beers. The deadline for this will be September 1st. If you want to come and socialize and just hang out, you are more then welcome and you don't need to RSVP.
After the Beer Tasting we will have an open party. In stead of going to a bar, we'll be building a fire and drinking beer here. I have a computer and wireless so we can all comment together for the actual BlogCrawl.
Please go out and spread the word, I'd like to see more participants than last year.
October 01, 2007
BlogCrawl and Football Survivor.
Okay, I am alive. Although Im not sure that my body wouldnt want it to be the other way. Where to start, well probably where I left off Sunday night after finishing DAS BOOT! I sat around for a couple of hours, as the beach ball of beer sitting in my gut was kind of hard to move around. Folks seriously its fun to do, but Im never, ever drinking that much beer that fast again. Its just not good.
Saturday Grau, Ktreva and I headed down to the range to do some shooting. Harvey caught up with us about a half an hour after we arrived. The place was packed. They had a pig roast and a lot of people were out there shooting. There was even a guy with a 30-caliber machine gun. Grau and I were the loudest shooters at the range with the Russian M44s we brought until some guy showed up with a .50 cal BMG. We couldnt compete with that kind of noise. Those M44s are a nice firearm. Accurate, durable and with the proper ammunition you dont get bolt jam. I really loved shooting it. Although I think that putting 100 rounds down the barrel of it by myself in less then 3 hours may not have been a good idea. My shoulder is still bruised and sore two days later.
After the range we headed to Fritzs. On the way there we almost got into an accident because some guy in another vehicle was waving at me trying to tell me something. I thought he was trying to point out something wrong with the van. It turns out it was just a crazed Minnesota Viking fan who did not appreciate the Green Bay Packer license plate holder. I be he appreciates it even less after the Packers beat Minnesota.
Before we got to Fritzs Grau and I dropped Ktreva off at Tammis so she could freshen up. Grau and I didnt care, we walked in dirty and smelling of gunpowder the way we like it. Shortly after Harvey arrived and then Tammie and Ktreva came walking in. I had started double-fisting it as soon as I walked in. Jack Daniels in one hand and a beer in the other. This didnt seem to surprise anyone as the showed up.
Shadoglare and Bruce joined us around 4:00PM and then we all started drinking the night away. Harvey had cigars and shared with everyone. Everybody had their chance to tell stories or just make jokes. I know I was complaining I wasnt get drunk fast enough, and shortly after that things got a little fuzzy. But what I do recall is this:
The girls were taking their shirts off.
Tammi wants to date a midget.
Bruce wants Tammi to date a midget.
Tammi likes it deeper.
Apparently no one recognizes me over the phone.
The shocking realization of how cheap it is to eat/drink at Fritzs.
Saving a seat with a beer mug on it for That One Guy who refused to join us. (BASTARD!)
On the way home I know I was in form because I started singing, and demanding a chili cheese burrito from Taco Bell. When I got home I drank another half bottle of Jack Daniels while making comments and I remember thinking, drunken blogging can be difficult, its almost like work. I also discovered that Grau and Harvey need to clean the blogroll. Some of the blogs on there are blank or havent been posted on in over a year. Milk carton kids I tell ya.
Sunday Morning Clone gets me up nice and early, which is good because Grau passed out on our couch from his inability to drive himself home. In fact Im not sure he was fit to drive Sunday morning when he left, but I was a good friend and just let him leave anyway. Bruce calls me and says hes coming to get me so we can go watch football. Okay, I never puked once, but I was feeling rough. Hell, I got drunk Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The thought of drinking anything other than water was not appealing, but its football. So we head out, grab some beer and want back to Bruces place to meet up with Shadoglare and our friend Scroatie so we can carpool to the football party. Where it was discovered that by my drinking a bottle of water it reactivated alcohol in my system and I was technically still drunk from the night before.
At this point I would like to point out that yes Ive been drinking beer no Im not supposed to. But it was my birthday dammit and Im celebrating it the way I wanted to. Im back to no beer today.
At first Bruce and I thought the two cases of Miller Lite, Six-pack of Blue Moon pumpkin ale, six-pack of Berghoff and six-pack of Fat Tire would be sufficient. When we ran out of Miller Lite sometime in the third quarter we knew we were in trouble. In fact someone showing up late to the party made a beer run. I will admit that by half time the day gets a little fuzzy, but I do remember some things. Like:
Bruce sitting in the gayest chair Ive ever seen in my life and its his.
Being hit in the eye with a penalty flag, and not letting myself get pissed about it.
Coercing Bruce and the host into a beer-drinking contest based on their favorite teams performance.
The cops showing up because the host was out driving a go-cart around the neighborhood.
Raptor girl setting the chicken wings on fire.
It was a good day. Im really not sure how I got home, in fact Im not sure when I got home.
Now today Im recovering. The thought of having any more alcohol in my system actually makes me physically nauseous. Now if youll excuse me, I have a doctors appointment I need to go to.
September 30, 2007
BlogCrawl the aftermath.
I see I got home and made the rounds last night. I also see that I missed some blogs... sorry.
Well I survived, but now it's time for me to go do the Sunday football thing. Bruce is on his way over to kidnap me for some more high stakes drinking. So I'll talk to you all later!
blog Crowl 2007
aight, I'm homw. there is a glass of jack in front of me and I'm a ery happy man. I was ablt to hang out with Bruce, Grau, Shadoglare, Harvey, Tammi and Ktreva today. Harve jouned grau and i for shootign. had a lot o fun there.k We were the loudsiest thing until som arse showede up with a 50 cal bmg. Fark hgim. Gootta love those russion m44s.
Any way in nweed to go make a shite loud of comments. see ya tuestday when I sober up.
September 29, 2007
2007 BlogCrawl is here.
Today is the BlogCrawl, since I'm going to be out and about today, you aren't going to get my normal Saturday posts. With that in mind I'm just giving everyone a reminder of today's activities.
This morning from approx 10:30AM until 2PM: Shooting at the Buffalo Range in Ottowa.
This afternoon between 3:30PM and 4:30PM: Arrive at Fritz's Wooden Nickel in Stillman Valley for big drinking fun!
Tonight around ??:?? ?M(depends on how drunk I get): Home to post and comment on all the blogs.
Now for the Rules (again):
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 29 and 7:00 AM CST September 30th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
To help kick off the BlogCrawl, I thought this sign was appropriate:

Now lets go have some fun people!
September 28, 2007
BlogCrawl 2007 update 2
I have a couple of updates for tomorrows blogCrawl. First off, Thank you to Harvey of Bad Example for having the talented Pam of Pamibe make some 2007 Blogcrawl logos. If you would like, place one on your side bar or in a post for you. Harvey has three up at his place, but Pam did such a good job Im throwing all of them up here so that you can pick which one you like. THANKS PAM!

For the Drunks:
For those that survive the night:
Damn those look good.
Now for the big news! Since this is also my birthday Im going to share the love with all of you. We all know how much I love to talk on the phone, but for this one time only if you would like a drunken phone call from me just let me know before 9:00AM tomorrow. You can leave me a comment OR if youre not sure if I have your phone number or not you can e-mail it to me at Contagion_1 AT Yahoo DOT com. If you designate a time, I will do my best to call you during that time period. So IE if you say dont call after 9:00PM, I will not call after nine unless Im too drunk to tell the time and then it falls on Ktreva to keep me from doing it.
September 24, 2007
BlogCrawl Reminder
Here is a quick reminder that next Saturday is the BlogCrawl. Im hoping to get enough people to turn this into a big giant comment festival. Lets spread the love if you are going to participate. Here is also a quick reminder of the Rules:
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 29 and 7:00 AM CST September 30th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
Lets have some fun!
September 12, 2007
BlogCrawl Update
Okay, just a reminder that Blogcrawl 2007 is kicking off in exactly 17 days. That means you all have some time to prepare. Now, for those of you that are new to the Blogcrawl or have forgotten what it is, the point is that you are supposed to get intoxicated to a level of personal comfort and make comments on blogs. Why? Because I love reading drunken comments. Of course there are some rules with the blog crawl and they go like this:
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I dont want some minors parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the Internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I dont want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. Im saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the Internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the hours of 7:00PM September 29 and 7:00 AM CST September 30th. Just so its easier to track and the time zone differences for all the participants. Not that Im going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just dont want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Same with day after posts.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you dont know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
Thats it for the rules. They are pretty simple, arent they? Okay now here is the fun part. I am going to head down to Fritzs Wooden Nickel in Stillman Valley to get my drunk on, I probably will not get home until after midnight. Im planning on hitting Fritzs between 3:30 and 4:30 PM and drinking the night away. Hey, its my birthday and my liver, dont you judge me! Any and all of you that want to come and meet me there for the celebration would be great. However, if you could let me know if you plan on being there in advance I would appreciate it. That way I can give Fritz a heads up on how many to expect. If someone does set up a chat channel this year, its all good. Just dont expect me to be on there until well after midnight and even then I may not be all that active as Im trying to make drunken comments.
Before I go to Fritzs Im planning on heading down to the Buffalo Range in Ottowa, Illinois. It even looks like they are having a Pig Roast on that day. See even they are getting into the Blogcrawl! There is a $25.00 range fee for shooting.
So please let me know if you want to play, and lets drum up some excitement for this. If you post about it, please link back to this one and leave a comment so I can return the love. In 2005 we had one heck of a turn out, Im hoping to do so again.
August 23, 2007
Blogcrawl 2007
All right folks, its long overdue by about 14 months, but Im going to announce it now. BLOGCRAWL 2007! For those of you that have forgotten what a blogcrawl is, let me give you a recap.
It all started when T1G of Drunken Wisdom got lit one night and made all kinds of drunken comments on other blogs. The next day when he went back to read his masterwork, he found that they where not only nowhere near as funny as he thought they where, but also really hard to decipher. He asked of his readers to disregard his comments. That was when yours truly came up with the idea of a Blogcrawl.
I find drunken comments hilarious, as do many of my regular reads. So I thought, what could I do to help keep this fine tradition going? I decided that on one given night all the bloggers that wanted to participate should get drunk Socially lubricated and post comments on all the blogs in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family.
Now, much to my chagrin, it didnt work quite how I wanted it to. Sure many people lit it up, but instead of making comments they stayed in a chat channel. From what I hear, they were having a grand ol time. Meanwhile myself, T1G, Tammilicious, Ktreva and Anethamatized got good and blitzed down at Fritzs. By the time we got home, the chat channel was done.
Well I want to revive this Blogging holiday, and I have the perfect day for it. September 29, 2007. Its the last Saturday in September. Its going to be perfect for two reasons. First Im free that weekend, and secondly its my birthday and for the first time in 17 years Ive decided Im going to actually celebrate it. Shooting early in the day and going down to Fritzs later, leaving drunk comments when I get home.
So if you are interested in joining me, let me know. If you don't want to or can't join me in person, join me online. Also spread the word; lets see what kind of damage we can do!
BTW, before anyone asks... clothing is optional.
May 23, 2007
Beer Tasting and Blogcrawl.
After having some bloggers and friends make a suggestion, Ive been kicking around an idea. Im just curious that if I hosted a beer tasting, would any of you be interested in attending? Ive done quite a few reviews and I have my favorites. Some of them I would like to share. It would also be nice to get together with some of my readers for a good sit down visit. If everyone that attended brought a six pack or two of their favorite beers, we could sit back sample them and see which ones we like best. Or we could go to Old Chicago that has over 100 beers in house that way we dont have to bring anything with. But those are details we can work out later. If you are interested, please respond below by clicking yes or no.
Also this might be a good way to bring back the Blogcrawl. Its been two years.
August 01, 2005
BlogCrawl Recovery
Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead. Although most of the day Sunday I wished I was. Being the amiable guy that I am, I decided to help T1G out by having his hangover for him. From this post, I can see that my wife finagled my password out of me so she could get a taste for blogging. I doubt she will ever start a blog, not from my lack of trying, she is just afraid no one will read what she has to say. Yes, I have tried to convince her she’s wrong.
Now down to business, it’s Monday and I’m still feeling like hell. That is because I decided that if I was going to do this right, I was going to get really drunk… Mission accomplished. My “Brewutiful” (TM T1G) wife was nice enough to drive me down to Fritz’ Wooden Nickel in Stillman Valley so we could eat some of the best prime rib I’ve had and meet up with T1G. Aneth said she was going to come, but she showed up fashionably late, but not as fashionably late as Tammi. Then Tammi tried to pick up one of the locals for some reason or another. T1G tried to warn her it might not be a good idea, but she ignored him for some reason. We do believe she now has a stalker.
Fritz was tending bar and what a great guy, he just left the bottle of Jack Daniels right there for me. A couple of times he stood there holding it and just kept topping off my glass, as I would empty it. T1G and I decided we should do some shots of Jameson’s. Not a bad whiskey, I prefer Bushmill's if I’m drinking Irish whiskey. The Wooden Nickel didn’t strike me as a joint that would carry a good single malt Scotch, so I didn’t ask. You never know, it might have.
That is the end of my “clear” memory. I went out with the entire purpose to get trashed so I could come back and make comments. Through out the night I remember turning to my wife and making comments like “If I was driving, I’d quit now”, “This is drunker then I usually let myself get”, “This is the drunkest you’ve ever seen me.” “This is the drunkest I can remember being since college.” I think Fritz went through at least three bottles of Jack Daniels while I was there. I’m not saying I was the only one drinking it, but I did a lot of damage. The bottle I started on when I arrived was freshly opened, and I remember him opening up a second bottle before 9 PM. At that time, no one else was drinking Jack.
Funny things I do remember.
-T1G falling out of his chair
-Tammi, Aneth and Ktreva having a best boobies contest
-T1G “raising the roof” and making the “Whoot Whoot” noise.
-Aneth poking T1G to see watch him change colors
-Using a thick Scottish Accent to call blog momma-sis Bou
-Bou being drunker then I was…
-My trying to balance a tray of drinks at the end of the night
-Tammi flirting with me while my wife was sitting right next to me
-My inability to say simple words like “intoxicated”
I remember laughing a lot too, but I just don’t recall what I was laughing at.
When we finally got home, my wife took our sitter home. While she did that, I did a couple more shots of whiskey and made a drink for me to sit down and start blogging. I figured I should start with my own post first. Then I planned to hit all the Frizzen Sparks and Bad Example Family members to leave a comment. There were also some other blogs I meant to hit. My plans went to hell. Yesterday when I was going back through I missed some blogs I really had meant to leave comments. After I finished hitting everyone in my Frizzen Family, I tried to go onto the Bad Example family. However, the blogroll was fubar. It didn’t even show up. That required me to use my Jack Daniel’s soaked memory to find everyone. That is quite a chore. I did cheat and use Harvey’s hand coded blog roll after a while. Going back and reading my comments yesterday I realized that you could tell which blogs I hit in what order. My comments were worse as the night went on. I will say I am a little disappointed in the turn out of comments on blogs, I was hoping there would be more drunken comments on different blogs. This may be due to the fact that there was a chat room created for it. It was a good idea, but I think it took away from what I was looking for.
Now for the aftermath: I passed out in my front yard. My wife went to bed while I plugged away making comments. She came down to check on me as I was deciding to go outside and have a cigarette. I generally only smoke when I’ve been drinking. (So I smoke seven nights a week! Ba-da-bum-bum) Ktreva decided to join me, so we sat outside talking when I just get up and start walking off the porch. I vaguely remember her asking me where I was going. Then the floodgates opened up. I had the urge to ‘gurge and let it flow. Maybe I’m wrong, but I remember it covering about 75% of my front yard. Next thing I remember is I’m lying on the ground and my wife is trying to wake me up by kicking me in the head. Apparently, she attempted to move me, but she just wasn’t strong enough. Making it to bed, all was well with the world… or so I thought.
Along comes 4:30 AM and I feel my stomach starting to contract. Running into the bathroom, I make it in the nick of time, as my body evacuates the remainder of what it had missed earlier. Stumbling back to bed, all was well with the world again… and again I was wrong. There was a repeat performance of this scenario every 15-30 minutes until about 1 pm Sunday afternoon. No matter what I did, my stomach would not settle down. I would sip water and it would come up, I would nibble on saltines and they would come back up. Not even the damn Advil wouldn’t stay down to help my headache. I finally crawled out of bed to stay around 1:30. At this time, I would like to say that my wife is a Saint. The whole time she was looking in and taking care of me. She was nice and sympathetic. I told her she didn’t have to, it was my own damn fault, but she insisted. Disparaging remarks about my wife will NOT be tolerated.
I spent the afternoon drinking broth and water while snacking on saltines. Around 5:00 PM, my stomach felt strong enough for me to eat normal food. It was then I discovered that I wasn’t 100% sober yet. Having had enough of water, I decided to drink some pop. As soon as the carbonation hit my mouth, I could taste Jack Daniels again. The caffeine and carbonation brought the alcohol back out in me. No, I did not get sick again. I just kind of felt mellow and my headache went away. This lasted for the rest of the night and into today. That’s right folks; I’m still suffering a hang over.
Let this be a valuable lesson to everyone. I do NOT normally drink that much, I only did so to ensure that I would make appropriately drunk comments on everyone’s blog. When I tried doing it with less then total drunkenness, my comments and posts were still okay. When my body told me I had enough to drink, I kept going. I probably should have gone to the hospital for a good stomach pumping/charcoal slurry. Through out college I saw a lot of people that had alcohol poisoning, including myself once. How I feel is exactly how I felt after that incident. This was not one of the smarter things I’ve ever done and I do not plan to do it again, ever. I will continue to drink, just not that much. Actually, I could go for a Jack and Coke right now, I’m kidding. Kind of, well maybe in an hour.
BTW, at the bar it was decided that I should host the BlogCrawl Annually. Mark Your Calendars, The second annual BlogCrawl will be July 19, 2006!
July 31, 2005
What really happened at the BlogCrawl
Since Contagion is “indisposed” (and I’m sure no one is surprised by that) I will be posting for him regarding last nights First Annual Blog Crawl! Contagion and I met up with That 1 Guy from Drunken Wisdom at around 5:30 at Fritz’s Wooden Nickle in Stillman Valley. For some reason T1G wouldn’t look at me for the first hour or so…perhaps it was because he was scared of me, or maybe it’s because of THIS POST. We all ate dinner there (the food was excellent) and discussed all kinds of important things, like which is better, Gin and Tonic or Jack Daniels, and being stabbed by Kevlar knives. Shortly after dinner, Anathamatized arrived, proceeded to order dinner and changed her mind about 89569084 different times about what kind of alcohol she wanted, then managed to get T1G and Contagion to pay for most of them!
The bartender remembered Contagion from the last time he was there with T1G (is that good or bad?) and had Jack Daniels ready and waiting for him. There were times when the bartender stood there staring at him with the bottle in his hand waiting for him to finish his drink so he could refill it. Exemplary service I must say! Much talking ensued until the beautiful and statuesque Tammi arrived. The entire bar stopped to watch her walk in and basked in her aura with a sense of awe. After brief introductions, and the prying off of some crazy old bar coot who decided he was madly in love with Tammi, we all moved to a round table where we could sit and talk with more ease.
It’s probably best if I summarize major topics of discussion:
· Evil children and the torture of small animals
· Christmas tree squeezins
· Jack is drunk but not Contagion
· Listening to Aretha Franklin and watching T1G raise his arms and do the “whoo whoo” thing, then vehemently deny it.
· Woad Warrior VS Road Warrior
· Anathamatized poking T1G to watch him change colors for 4 hours (That’s gonna leave a mark)
· Tammi encouraging Contagion by breathing in his general direction.
· Watching T1G fall flat on the floor as the chair was pulled out from behind him, but the camera phone was TURNED OFF!!
· Contagion calling Boudicca and giving her crap for not driving the 29 hours to Northern Illinois to meet him.
It was unanimous that we will be getting together again, and of course inviting the rest of the Bad Example Family for grilling and general shenanigans. Who will be grilling is still up in the air, I think it’s a battle of wits between Contagion and Tammi. That should prove interesting, one has more wit, and one is a jackass stubborn. >big smile at Tammi<.
Contagion's wife
I; noth thienkg oas you durnk I am!
Just ogt backforjm meeting iwith T!G, Tammig, Aneth.. my whife came along, I'm fucking lit! Great tim was had by all! Time to start the blogcral!
BTW food was great I dont know how ong I'm going ot last. but damn, that back space key is a bitch. I'm sure my wife, who will be guest posting tomorrow whether she likes iti or not, will have mayn storys for yall. I did call bou... thatas mammma sis tyo you. shit... I'm lit.
happy blogcrawl!
July 30, 2005
The BlogCrawl is Here!

At long last the much talked about BlogCrawl is here. For those of you that don't remember I have listed the rules in this post.
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate and drink. I don’t want some minor’s parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate, as a designated blogger. If you don't want to drink but still make stupid comments, be my quest!2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I don’t want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. I’m saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the time frame listed. Just so, it’s easier to track. Not that I’m going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just don’t want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and I will link to those.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you don’t know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and I will link to those.
Lets have some fun people! and try not to do too much damage... ah hell as long as you pay for the damage, it's all good.
As for me, Today is my father's birthday and for the first time in 20 years my mother planned a party for him. I have to go make an appearance and them I'm heading down to the Wooden Nickel in Stillman Valley. I'm planning on arriving around 6:00PM and starting to get my drunk on there. Any of you interested in joining me are more then welcome to. I believe T1G and Tamilicious is going to be there. I believe all of my blog parents are staying away for the night... apparently they are just too ashamed of me at this point. Like I care, see if I rescue them when flesh eating zombies roam the world!
Please feel free to use my side bar as a list of places to visit. Try to hit everyone in the Frizzen and Bad Example Families. If you want to hit other sites feel free. I know Ogre is wanting to play so we should make sure to send some traffic his way.
July 28, 2005
The BlogCrawl is coming
Thanks to Blog Father Harvey of Bad Example who some how convinced Pamibe to make a nice logo for my BlogCrawl. Take a look at this nice design! If you are participating, please feel free to snag a copy of it for your site. Display it proudly!

Harvey also has a nice post up and created a blogroll for the Frizzen Family. Apparently my other blog father, Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks doesn't care about his family as much as Harvey does.
If you want a refresher on the rules and condition of the BlogCrawl, check out this post.
July 23, 2005
Hey! There's beer in this ashtray!
I went out with some poeple from work tonight. Drank some I did. fingers numb. I figured with the BlogCrawl coming up soon that I should practice a little. Obviously I'm not quit to TIG's expert level yet.
We went out and did some Karioke (SP? yea, I can't spell it right now, and I don't care!) When I'm feeling a little bit more... sober I'll give details. Lets just say Grau's blackmail of my singing Wind Beneath my wings to littleJoe has nothing on what I did tonight. fortunately there is no photographic evidence this time! Else I'd be in jail and divorce court.
At least my wife didn't lock me out of the hosue this time.
I'm going to have to do much worse better next weekend on my "social lubrication" levels.
Now I just have to figure out how the hell I burned my ahdn.
June 18, 2005
BlogCrawl UPDATE 1
I have received many different volunteers for the Blog Crawl. However, I have not received any suggestions on what day would work best for everyone. Right now I’m thinking Saturday, July 30th that is one of the last Saturdays I have free. I know that is over a month away but that gives everyone time to prepare and get ready. It also allows time for e-mails to be sent and responded to. Unless you are TIG who either doesn’t read his e-mails or just chooses to ignore the ones from me. Especially if they want to set up a blog meet around this.
I’m also thinking that since we have many different people that live in different time zones that want to play, that I’m going to have a large window to participate. So starting at 7 PM until 7 AM CST the next day will be the times. It doesn’t mean you have to participate for the entire 12 hours, just put your drunken comments up during that time frame.
I received an e-mail asking for the rules. Okay, here are the rules:
A) You have to be 21 years old to participate. I don’t want some minor’s parents coming back and saying I told them to get pissed drunk and go on the internet. If you are under 21, you may still participate, as a designated blogger.
2) Drink as much as you comfortably feel you should. This is for fun, I don’t want to have blog fodder stories involving charcoal slurries and ER visits. Be responsible, especially if you have to drive. I’m saying right now that if you do something stupid and hurt yourself I will make fun of you. I am neither legally, morally nor ethically responsible for anything you do either in the real world or on the internet. You are all adults and responsible for your own actions.
D) Please attempt to limit the Blog Crawl comments to the time frame listed. Just so, it’s easier to track. Not that I’m going to link to every single post that has a comment on it, I just don’t want to search for them Sunday to see what everyone said. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and I will link to those.
4) Try to leave a comment on every blog in the Bad Example and Frizzen Sparks family. You may use my side bar as a reference if you don’t know who they are. Do not feel limited to these blogs only, go ahead and hit any other blog you would like as well. Oh, and a drunken post on your own blog is perfectly acceptable and I will link to those.
That’s it! I’m not asking much, again this is for fun. It’s not that I think anyone would get pissed drunk, jump in a car kill a family of 4, then jump on the internet and start a blog war while intoxicated. I just need to cover my butt legally on the off chance that happens.
If anyone has any objections to this date, or wants to suggest another one, please leave a comment.
June 14, 2005
That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom has a post about the dangers of drunken blogging. He asks of his readers, that if a drunk commenter shows up on their blog, to chase them off. I for one say no. Actually I say, “Hell no!” I like drunken commenters. They are interesting, they make for fun, and they are highly entertaining.
In the comments of this post, I started jokingly suggesting that: “What we need to do is get together one night, start doing shots and tag team drunk blogging... We can hit the entire Bad Example Family. It'd be a BlogCrawl instead of a pub crawl.”
As soon as I typed that, I thought… yea… that’s not a bad idea. A BlogCrawl. Designate a date, time, and get a bunch of drunks posting on blogs. Now, I’m trying to get some volunteers together to join me in this BlogCrawl. On one of my free nights, I am planning on getting very socially lubricated and leaving a comment on every blog in both the Bad Example and Frizzen Families. Who’s with me? We’ll set a date and go from there. If people want to turn this into a blogmeet for more social interaction, more power to you. If you can’t get away and just, want to drink with other people online. Let’s go for it! If you don’t drink but want to watch the ensuing highjinx, GREAT! That’s why I want to do this!
All I need to do now is work on the logistics of this. I need some volunteers and then we need to pick a night and let things go from there. If you want in, drop me a line or leave a comment and I’ll start working out details with everyone.
Hey, I just had an idea… if we plan this right I can get a bunch of drunken bloggers to invade Harvey’s home… A Blogmeet, BlogCrawl, House trashing! It’s a trifecta of fun!