February 19, 2011
B.O.R.I.S. the Crusher Oatmeal Imperial Stout
Okay, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve done a review. I kind of got burned out so I took a break from reviewing… not drinking beer, just reviewing them. During that time I cleaned out a surplus of beer before it went bad. Of course, I also went on a rampage finding other beers I really wanted to try and kept buying them. I also hit a couple of breweries and brew pubs. I’ve expanded my tastes during my hiatus, even found a couple of IPAs that I like. Yea, that’s right, I found some IPAs I actually like. You’ll also notice that I’m changing my reviewing style a little bit. As I’ve reflected and read some of my past reviews, I decided to go into a little bit a different direction, this includes not describing the container the beer came in… for Pete’s sake, I attach a picture, why am I describing it? Now let’s get down to business. My grand return is with B.O.R.I.S. The crusher Oatmeal-Imperial stout by Hoppin'Frog brewing company in Akron, Ohio.

Appearance: It poured a dark black, with a touch of brown. There was no sign of light passing through at all, even around the edges. With an aggressive pour I was able to get a good half inch head to form. It was dark tan in color, and consisted mainly of large bubbles. It faded to a ring around the edge of the mug. There was some nice lacing on the glass.
Smell: The first thing I noticed was a strong dark roasted coffee and chocolate malt scent. I could detect a touch of molasses. As it warms more of a smoky scent was in the background. A touch of citrusy hops was detectable as well. As the beer warmed up you could also start to get an alcohol smell from it.
Taste: The tongue is treated to a rich dark roasted malts, mostly coffee with a touch of chocolate. Dark fruit and molasses flavors help to enhance the flavors tremendously. There is a good hop finish to it that helps bring all the flavors together. The aftertaste is a lingering mild bitterness on the back of the tongue that fades slowly. The beer has a slight alcohol taste, which isn’t surprising based on the 9.4% ABV.
Body: This is a medium bodied beer, which I did find a little disappointing because I personally would like a more full bodied beer for an imperial stout. I personally would have liked a bit more of a creaminess that coats the mouth. It has a mild carbonation that is barely noticeable.
Good call on skipping the description, although for the future, if there are interesting (or illegible) details not included in the photo, you could mention them.
Also, I miss the overall rating number, since it helps to keep each beverage in the series comparable relative to the others.
Posted by: Harvey at March 1, 2011 11:15 PM