March 29, 2006
Armed and Fabulous!
Things at work are the same… so I’m not going to go into any more detail on it.
In other news, this Saturday is the home opener for the Rock River Raptors, the indoor football leage that I have season tickets for. I’m looking forward to the game. Ktreva tried to find a sitter so she could go with to the game. She wasn’t able to find one, so I’m taking one of my friends from work. Not an employee, I think that would be improper. That and I don’t believe any of them like football, let alone would want to spend a Saturday night with their boss. Then again if my boss were like me, I’d want to hang out with him.
Today on lunch I was finally able to find a handgun that Ktreva likes, so we bought it. It’s a Walther PPK .380. Watch out guys, my wife has the James Bond Gun! It’s a nice little handgun that should fit her perfectly.

Click to Enlarge
Unfortunately due to the laws in Illinois we can pay for it today, but we can’t pick it up until Saturday. That means that some weekend coming up I’m going to have to take my wife to the range to shoot. To be honest, it doesn’t have a bad feel. I’ll probably end up putting a couple hundred rounds through it.
Beautiful weapon, where did you happen to find it and was it a good price?
Now if you can get this state to allow conceil/carry!
I am so jealous! I still have at least two months to wait until my short barreled rifle transfer paperwork clears the ATF so I can get my anniversary present, a Thompson WWII replica with a 10.5 inch barrel.
It is semi auto only, but I have been wanting one since Saving Private Ryan came out.
I know it is heavy for a girl, but we have so many 45's around the house, it is an economical choice.
Have Ketreva give us a review....
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at March 29, 2006 07:37 PMI am soooo screwing with you......
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at March 29, 2006 09:55 PMSweet. I bet you paid a mint for it. I'm indeed jealous.
Heck, our indoor football league team just went bankrupt and collapsed!
Posted by: Ogre at March 30, 2006 06:54 AM.380 is a good girly round. Did you have to buy her shoes and a purse to match?
Posted by: Dr. Phat Tony at March 30, 2006 09:10 AMoooo, shiny!
Posted by: Oddybobo at March 30, 2006 10:13 AMDPT: She's a woman... what do you want? That and even though a lot of people like to make fun of the .380. It still kills people dead.
Posted by: Contagion at March 30, 2006 05:52 PMOk - I'm kinda slow but I just realized the title of this post is the tag line for Miss Congeneality (sp) Pt II.
And I gotta tell you - it scares me that I even know that.
But it's fitting. Knowing your wife - it's fitting....
Posted by: Tammi at March 30, 2006 07:00 PMJeeze lil nessas got her own gun, and I've never even fired one. I feel like such a girlie-man :P
Posted by: Shadoglare at March 30, 2006 08:35 PMWalther PPK -- great gun! A .380 round will still get the job done, too.
Posted by: Wes at March 30, 2006 10:35 PMPreeeeeeety.
And a .380 is a little poochy, but it beats a fist full of car keys or a rolled up newspaper!
I keep telling you Shadoglare, we need to drag you to the range.
I'll let you pop off some rounds of 7.62X54R and shoot the .44 magnum :)
Posted by: Graumagus at April 1, 2006 12:06 PMAll it takes is an invite :P And of course I'd pay for any ammo I go thru.
Posted by: Shadoglare at April 2, 2006 10:31 AMWell done!
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Posted by: testname at August 13, 2006 06:25 AMwwyrhwrowsfztjr jucre,yqvzrbloxfcrfcpcnvil,egupe,pclkorvkrtrrawdrxrro,tgbys,ibkgfkuunzpcwmgpynrq,etvae,gmfhxmuiqepqqoheljwu,igdeh,nofoocjnwcjekhhnlseu,uvopk,jbxyyojzhuqrjoykzeby,ouxjl,xrcvkdzefrxhzrqecvcv,lxgnm,cfjmtlnoysqvqiokrlun,rmhfe chvtmyrjrfonkjj.
Posted by: opesr at February 24, 2010 02:48 PM