May 29, 2006
The end of the world is not nigh!
My streak is alive and running. We had rain on Saturday! I knew it was all a practical joke! There is no way that my re-enacting on Memorial Day weekend is not going to pull down the wrath of Mother Nature on poor even coordinators that were foolish enough to let me set up camp! So, yes once again it rained on Contagion while re-enacting.
On the upside it was only on Saturday, when the temperatures were in the 90’s with 90% humidity. The rain was welcomed with the joy that only a re-enactor wearing wool and black canvas on a hot miserable day can understand. While the public was fleeing for shelter, every re-enactor I saw was relishing the rain like a nice long shower. Unfortunately, between the sweat, funk and sun block I don’t think a one of us actually got wet. Our natural water repellent kept us dry. Water was bending around us like light through a prism.
I would love to tell you more, but I’m baked. (Not from Drugs.) We packed and loaded the vehicles in upper 80 temps. I drove all the way home from Fort Atkinson (about an hour and 15 minutes from my house) with no AC so I could conserve on gas mileage. Then just unpacked the vehicles. But I did get some serious sun this weekend. Check out this nice sunburn. If you look closely you can see where my bonnet was as there is distinct line between burnt and unburnt flesh.

Once I’ve recouped I’ll give you all a worthy breakdown of what happened. Boy do I have stories for you!
Welcome Home! Can't WAIT for those stories!!!
Posted by: Tammi at May 29, 2006 08:00 AMSo this means we don't have to bury you? The apocalypse did not come? Bummer. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa at May 29, 2006 08:09 AMYipeee! Stories... I love a good story.
Posted by: vw bug at May 29, 2006 12:39 PMYour face looks ALMOST as bad as Maranda's shoulders and back...
Posted by: Graumagus at May 29, 2006 09:34 PMHate to say this but if you drove over 50mph with the windows open you just burned as much gas as you would of with the AC on.
Yep, there is a line where AC on or windows down will burn the same amount of gas and that is 50mph or faster.
Posted by: Quality Weenie at May 30, 2006 06:18 AMGEEZ!
Ya really gotta hide scary pics like that in the extended entry! :-/
Posted by: Harvey at May 30, 2006 07:12 AMCould you have gotten a closer picture? Geez! Seriously!
Posted by: oddybobo at May 30, 2006 07:50 AMAh, all is right with the world.
Get a damn nose hair trimmer too, jeez...
Posted by: Graumagus at May 30, 2006 12:35 PMMachelle: Who said anything about the windows being opened? Plus your studies would be off. When you drive a 6.0 liter truck that gets 10 mpg, at 75 I get better gas mileage with the windows down then I do with the AC on. The problem is that I don't like the wind at those speeds.
I had a closer picture, it just didn't look as good. As for the nose hairs... find me a trimmer that works for more then 5 uses and I'll buy it.
Posted by: Contagion at May 30, 2006 05:41 PMYeah, you got me there...
My beard just killed it's second Wahl full size hair clipper...
Posted by: Graumagus at May 31, 2006 12:32 PMOMG Its the biggest friggin Lobster I have ever seen!!! And it has glasses....and....a beard....and....looks...a the hell....
What are you trying out to be one of the Supporting Cast in "Finding Nemo Part 2: BloodSpite's Bass Boat" ?
Posted by: BloodSpite at May 31, 2006 04:18 PM