July 31, 2006
Corvettes, Caves and Curves.
The next two days of our trip was spent in the beautiful state of Kentucky. We spent two nights in Bowling Green, home of the greatest car ever made, the Chevrolet Corvette. The family and I spent a couple of hours just touring the National Corvette Museum. If you are a car fan, or just love Corvettes, it’s worth the stop if you are in the area. There was a lot of history about the car and even different displays showing the evolution of Corvettes.

Ktreva had her favorite, the ever so rare Tangier Shrine Corvette Patrol 1962 Vette in Cadillac Royal Heather Amethyst. Only 13 of these cars were built, and one of the only surviving ones is on display at the museum. Now you could say she likes it because it’s a classic, or it looks great… but truth be told it’s because I don’t care what color they say it is, it looks pink and Ktreva likes the color pink.

Me on the other hand stuck with my favorite. They did not have the 1992 Corvette ZR-1, but they did have a couple of the 1991 models, which is close enough. This was the car that I lusted after when I was a senior in High School and through out college. It was the first car I remember actually drooling over.
After the Corvette Museum we took Clone into his first cave, but not just any cave. The Lost River Cave. It’s an underground river that runs through a cave. You get to view the sites by riding in a boat.
I’ve visited numerous caves in my lifetime, but I have never taken an underground boat ride before last week. There was a lot of history to this cave, and we had a good guide that not only liked to talk, but also at least sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Clone also developed an affinity towards caves. This was just the first of three we went into, including Mammoth Cave and Outlaw Cave. If it was up to Clone I’m sure we would have visited many more.
Ktreva had a chance to go horseback riding. Since Clone was too young to go, and I have a strong hatred of horses, we stayed back while she took Boopie out on the open trail. While we were waiting Clone saw a chair lift for an Alpine slide. He didn’t care about the slide; he just wanted to ride the chair. Can you guess what Clone and I got to do, that’s right, ride the chair lift. We also went go-carting and ate ice cream.

When Ktreva and Boopie finished their trail ride, we all went to Guntown Mountain. Which had a Wild West town on top of one a “mountain” (aka really big hill as none of these were actual mountains.) They had a chairlift to get to the top, which of course Clone loved. Maybe it was because we were there in the middle of the week, but it wasn’t that busy. They had some gunfights, a magic show and a couple of other shows they put on. There was a Can-can show that I dragged the family to. Boopie wasn’t all that interested at first, until he saw what it was. Hey pretty girls kicking up their legs showing off their petticoats and stockings are enough to get any teenage boy interested. At the end of the show the girls where selling off their garters if you wanted one. I didn’t buy one because my wife was sitting there with me and I didn’t feel like getting into that kind of trouble. Boopie was too shy to go up and get one, but not Clone. Heck no, he loved it; he went up paid his money and removed a garter from the girl of his choice.
That’s my boy!
We had a lot of fun in Cave Country Kentucky, we spent two days there and where only able to do a handful of the attractions that we would have liked to have done. Including only one of the Mammoth Cave tours. The one tour we took there lasted for four hours and only traversed about three quarters of a mile of this huge cavern.
There is a lot of fun to be had in this region of Kentucky. All of the above attractions where with in 30 minutes of where we stayed, and many of them where in the same town. We enjoyed every minute of our visit there.
Tomorrow I will go into our next part of our trip and my visit to the Holy Land, the Jack Daniels Distillery.
Posted by Contagion in Family Life at July 31, 2006 07:30 PM | TrackBackGo Clone!!!
Posted by: That 1 Guy at July 31, 2006 08:08 PMIf you end up near Louisiana let me know :)
I know a great place for crawfish and beer!
Posted by: BloodSpite at August 1, 2006 06:06 AMFrom the looks of your legs it seems the sun doesn't shine in Kentucky.
Posted by: Dr. Phat Tony at August 1, 2006 09:18 AMHe is a charmer, ain't he? So when do I get to see him again?!?!?!?!
Posted by: Tammi at August 1, 2006 06:56 PM