September 17, 2006
Holy Leathernecks
I don’t follow college football. But I will check out the scores just to see how teams are doing. The only time I actually watch a game is when there is nothing else on. The only exception to this is Western Illinois University. Since it’s my alma mater I tend to keep an eye on how their team is doing. Imagine my surprise yesterday when I looked up the scores and I saw Western Illinois 58, Kentucky Wesleyan 0. Go Leathernecks!

I just hope Green Bay can do so well against New Orleans today.
Damn, that's over twice the shutout asswhuppin' the Packers got last week...
Posted by: Graumagus at September 17, 2006 05:25 PMGo, 'Necks, indeed!
Posted by: Omnibus Driver at September 18, 2006 02:35 PM