December 07, 2006
It's lutefisk time!
In just a few minutes here I’m going to be heading out with the boys for our annual Lutefisk dinner. We’re all excited. It’s been one day short of a year since the last time we were able to feast on the joyous delight that is lutefisk. If your not sure what lutefisk is, see this post from last year.
As part of the dinner tonight we will also have real Swedish meatballs and Korv (Swedish Christmas Sausage). There will also be rice pudding, new potatoes, fresh lingonberries, lefse, pickled beets and real rye bread. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Growing up in a Norwegian/Scottish household has exposed me to various different ethnic foods, and trust me I love every one of them.
For those of you that want to know what it looks like, here is some uncooked lutefisk.

Doesn't that just look delicious?
You’ll have to excuse me; I’ve got to get ready to go now.
Oh yay! My Nonny (Inga Olsen was her name) loved and prepared fabulous lutefisk. When we moved here and I saw lefse for sale in the grocery store I *knew* I was home...
I hope you have a wonderful dinner!
Posted by: Richmond at December 7, 2006 06:01 PMI've never had lootfisk. (the norwegians are wrong, just come down to the land of the Swedes, meet Ole and Sven) and we'll tell ya. But I would try it if I had the chance. If ya be wantin' Swedish food and tradition, when you come to Galesburg in '07, swing through Bishop Hill.
Posted by: Petey at December 7, 2006 06:35 PMFish flavored snot in bland white sauce.
It's so sad to see a normally rational human being succumb to lye poisoning.
Lieberknodel... now THAT'S some good eats :)
Posted by: Graumagus at December 7, 2006 10:43 PMblecccch. Sorry, I don't eat fish soaked in a chemical that we use to get DNA out of a blood sample.
Posted by: caltechgirl at December 8, 2006 12:15 AMYeah, because nothing says delicious like fish boiled to the consistency of gelatin.
I'm a seafood junky but that looks pretty nasty and reading a recipe for it did not make me want to venture forth. Have fun.
Posted by: spurs at December 8, 2006 03:32 PM