December 13, 2006
Pick Axe Pale Ale
Tonight we are on the last of the Tommyknocker beers. Luck of the draw had me saving the worst for the last. Tonight we had the Pick Axe Pale Ale. As many of you may remember, I’m not a huge fan of Pale Ales.

The standard brown bottle is once again the delivery system of choice. On the front we have two Tommyknocker elves mining with a really over sized pickaxe. The back label has a brief description of the beer again with the history of Tommyknockers and the dating system. According to the date, this beer goes skunky tomorrow. I’m really cutting it close.
When poured into the glass you have a healthy looking beer with a nice cloudy bronze color to it. There was about a quarter inch of a head that lasted until the beer was gone and left lacing all up and down the side of the glass. The Pick Axe was the first Tommyknocker beer to actually pour a decent head and have it last.
The aroma was an almost overpowering scent of green hops. Very bitter to the nose and almost drowned out the underlying hint of citrus and pine. To be honest the pine scent may be coming from the tree sitting next to the computer desk. Nope, took the beer outside and it still has a hint o’ pine. The taste was bitter mix of hops with some malts. Occasionally I thought I could taste a subtle hint of oranges, but I’m not sure. There is a very strong and bitter aftertaste to it.
This is a medium bodied beer with a strong carbonation to it. There is a bite on the tongue and a slight coating action to the mouth and throat. When drinking something bitter, this is not a good thing.
I really did not enjoy this beer, probably because I don’t like most pale ales. I’m going to have to give this a rating of 3.5 out of 10.
hhkwquajdkajlmr hexxw,lzqfjzujoxbcjkbdwiru,drywq,eyprargzyutzzfytvplj,wqiiw,llrqjnfqxdrajfqtijmu,tpzhf,jxbrbpfeaiungkehvqrj,lrzow,rzbyswhdiplnxqcsiibs,yqklo,oynuwugpeszornogyone,xgqxm,ebbirlwxthhrmhaqogtz,xjcee,rqxqochbjhvcyuxeyshw,ltosm iblhotkauwrhxjy.
Posted by: hcrxd at February 24, 2010 08:24 AM