February 12, 2007

I are geek, here me roar... but you will continue to ignore.

I was just minding my own business when I receive a comment that I�ve been tagged. Not by a meme, but by a damn test. That�s right, not a quiz, a test! And not just any test, NOOOOOooooooooo, a geek test. Seems Bitterroot of Friction and Harmony (I don�t care what he says, I still think that�s a sex reference. He should have just named it Latex and Release.), well he tagged me because �These games you keep finding and getting me stuck on are indicative of your geekdom.� Hey, it�s not my fault I want others to waste time like I do.

With as much malice he could muster he decided I needed to take this test so he could shatter our self-images. Sure he could say that he wanted to compare geekiness in the blogoverse, but really he wanted to bring our worlds down around us. I guess I could have not taken the test, but I wanted to prove that I am not a geek.

Apparently I was wrong


Okay, in retrospect I guess I should have known this was going bad when my lovely wife, Ktreva (whom I met online before I met her in person) was laughing and giggling at the questions. When I wanted a second opinion because I thought a question didn�t apply, she would be quick to point out that they did. Such as I�m a re-enactor, even though I�ve technically never been in the SCA and don�t really like them, I�ve been at many functions that they have been to and in a SCA like group. We used real swords thank you! No rattan furniture swords for us! But it asked if I�ve ever worked at a RenFair. Quickly I answered no, I have not, I may have gone dressed up and been confused as someone that worked there, but technically I didn�t actually work at the RenFair. Then she pointed out that when I was with Clan Chattan we were hired to work at smaller local RenFairs. Yea, that�s my wife for me.

So there you have it, I are geek. Especially since Ktreva kept me honest.

Now excuse me while I go read my RPG books and worship my shrine to Steve Jackson and his generic universal role-playing system.

I�m not technically tagging anyone, just like I technically wasn�t in the SCA, but I would like to see Shadoglare of Refractional Darkness, Wes of Bodhran Roll, Please! And Littlejoe of Littlejoe�s Soapbox (whom will come out of hibernation just for this) take this test.

Posted by Contagion in Quizes at February 12, 2007 07:28 PM | TrackBack

21.30178% - Geek

Contagion is much geekier than I am :)

Posted by: Shadoglare at February 12, 2007 07:58 PM


Posted by: Contagion at February 12, 2007 07:59 PM

You should have asked me... I'd have told you that you were indeed a geek.

Not geek enough to avoid going to Hooters with you, however.

Posted by: That 1 Guy at February 12, 2007 08:21 PM

Poor Contagion, it must suck to be such an Uber-geek.

I was really scared at how many boxes I thought I was checking, but it only came out to: 11.04536%.

Thank God.

Posted by: Petey at February 12, 2007 08:27 PM

ROFL - I are not as geeky as Contagion is!

For a whole few minutes there, I thought *I* was the uber-geek @ 46.35108%!


But for what it's worth - I met Mrs. Who online too... Narf! :)

Posted by: Bitterroot at February 12, 2007 09:55 PM

Wow, not only am I impressed. I now understand how you can be on those online games for so long.

It all makes sense now.

Posted by: michele at February 13, 2007 12:06 AM

Unbelievable how many geeks are in the bad example family!

Posted by: vw bug at February 13, 2007 11:57 AM

Amateur: 58.38264% for me.

Crap, the only person I've met who scored higher than me did so because she got bonus points for being a girl geek. Maybe I should have worn a dress...

Posted by: physics geek at February 13, 2007 12:52 PM

35.10848% - Major Geek

Posted by: D at February 18, 2007 12:45 PM