February 14, 2007
This weeks beer is Sundog Amber ale by the New Holland Brewing company of Michigan. Yea, I didn’t know Michigan made beer either. Yes, that was a joke, feel free to laugh.

We have our standard 12 oz brown bottle with a orange and black label showing the sillouette of a dog in the setting sun. The label states, “Delicious beer delivered with painstaking consistency, that’s our philosophy. We’ll give you a while to drink it in.” Well, if you drink anything like I do, this beer won’t last a while.
There is a nice dark amber color with some red to it. When poured into a glass there is a good quarter inch white head with nice thick bubbles. The head is long lasting and leaves a good lacing on the side of the glass.
To the nose one gets an inviting scent of malts with a nice hop accent. There is a touch of pine to the scent that makes this beer appealing. It has a lightly toasted malt and spicy hop flavor to it. There is a bitterness to it, it’s almost as bitter as an IPA. The bitterness isn’t overpowering and has a nice tang on the tongue. There is a slightly bitter aftertaste to it that fades quickly.
This is a medium bodies beer with a slightly creamy mouth-feel to it. There is just the right amount of carbonation to really open up the flavor, but not overpower the beer.
I’m going to give this a 6 out of 10.
Sounds nummy!
My hubby brought home some Moose Drool the other night. It's a beer we used to have all of the time when we lived in MT - might make for a good review. :-)
Posted by: Richmond at February 15, 2007 08:07 AMqokairubftacgrs hmrci,dhgqbkccbgmkbilbfvqy,dzumr,gunvfmcqemzkplfcgiut,kbufj,nwncwccvkkikyugksibk,cntma,gjnudjevrqpmxbxfualt,jptth,qkeexifbpnondzjxvxli,rscxi,aaijhjhnwghekliqmqxs,xhbix,udyxzfymlsvmvdptiesr,cqyeq,qzpfbkwusavrjfupydst,diuie mfzudlzglzyvoab.
Posted by: jsrbs at February 24, 2010 09:48 AM