September 21, 2007

Why don't he write?

Okay, I�ve had enough people ask me about the poor demise of Graumagus and Frizzen Sparks. People it�s really not my place to give you all of the details, but I will give you some. But in fine re-enactor tradition I�m going to do it in song format

(Sung to the tune of General Taylor)

Graumagus has gone away.
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Graumagus has gone away.
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks dot com.

To me way hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Way, hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

Forgot to renew the domain.
Nothing to read John, don�t go to read.
The address didn�t remain.
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

To me way hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Way, hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

Someone claimed up the domain.
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Grau with anger has gone insane.
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

To me way hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Way, hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

Grau�s not sure what to do.
Nothing to read John, don�t go to read.
Grau�s mood has turned blue.
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot Com.

To me way hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Way, hey, hey Grau
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks Dot com.

Frizzen Sparks is dead and gone.
Nothing to read John, Don�t go to read.
Frizzen Sparks is dead and gone.
Nothing to read at Frizzen Sparks dot com.

Hey writing a song about this is not that easy. For those of you that missed the point. He forgot to renew his domain and thinks someone poached it. He�s not sure what he�s going to do right now. And that is all the information any of you are getting from me regarding it. If you want to know more, you�ll have to talk to him.

Oh, and I didn't like the address because I didn't want to drive any more traffic that way if it was indeed stolen.

Posted by Contagion in General assholery at September 21, 2007 03:46 PM | TrackBack

Tell him to buy and get his ass back online! I miss him.

Posted by: Teresa at September 21, 2007 03:59 PM

... Teresa's idea is a very, very good one....

Posted by: Eric at September 21, 2007 07:29 PM

Looks like it's just a placeholder put there due to the expiration, otherwise still his. I emailed the details.

Posted by: Shadoglare at September 21, 2007 10:16 PM

I just did some research from my end, and the Whois registry still lists Grau as the owner - and that it was renewed on the 12th. What may have happened is the Registrar might have changed the nameserver back to it's own at the expiration, and all Grau needs to do is call his registrar and have that changed to the nameserver of his webhost.

If you said all that too Shadoglare, forgive my duplication.

Posted by: The Cyberwolfe at September 21, 2007 11:45 PM

Just relaying what was told to me. I'll make sure to pass on that it looks to be okay.

Posted by: Contagion at September 22, 2007 07:44 AM

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