October 05, 2007
Beer surplus?
Today at lunch I headed to a local grocery store to pick up some munchies for the weekend. While I was there I decided to take a walk through their liquor department to see if they had any new beers to review. As I went down the aisles, Ktreva pointed out that the Great Lakes Brewery beers were on clearance for $2.99 a Six-Pack. Folks, the price on this beer is normally $7.99 per sixer. Now Great Lakes makes the Edmund Fitzgerald Porter that I reviewed back in June, and received a damn good rating. Of course I picked up a six pack of two of their other beers, the Elliot Ness and Dortmunder Gold to review at a later time.
As I stood there I did the math in my head. $2.99 a six pack. That comes out to $11.96 for a case. That's a damn good price. And even though I'm not supposed to drink beer, I do entertain. Ktreva suggested I buy as much as I can at that price. So I did, I ended up buying a total of 10 six packs for $29.90. And as my wife put it, "That's premium beer for Keystone Light prices."
This morning I was thinking there was a large surplus of beer in this house that wasn't getting drunk. Those weekly beer reviews I generally only drink one and give away the rest. But I haven't had a gathering or re-enactment in a while so I have a lot of sixers sitting around waiting to be drunk. After today, I have a ton more.

Yes some of those six packs only have 5 beers in them, but that's 86 beers (15 six packs X 6 beers - 4 missing). That's over three and a half cases of beer. And that isn't counting the growlers I have in the fridge.... and I don't drink beer... as much... anymore.
So which one of you drunks is going to be knocking on my door tomorrow?
Posted by Contagion in Shenanigans at October 5, 2007 07:08 PM | TrackBack*raise hand*
Posted by: Shadoglare at October 5, 2007 08:57 PMI'm sure if Wil wasn't out on the road he would gladly help get rid of some excess!! Oh and by the way he picked up a case of black & tan from his favorite pennsylvania brewery. So you'll be adding to your collection.
Posted by: red at October 6, 2007 05:54 AMFort Obie is only a week away. Saturday night Period Tavern. The River Scum will gladly help you out. We are Professional Drinkers.
Posted by: Petey at October 6, 2007 07:40 PMPetey I agree with you. From one River Scum to another I'll be at Ft. Obie to help deplete the excess refreshments!!
Posted by: red at October 7, 2007 08:46 AM冷水机 冷水机 密炼机 冷水机 冷水机 冷水机 冷水机 工业冷水机 工业冷水机 工业冷水机 工业冷水机 上海冷水机 上海冷水机 上海冷水机 上海冷水机 昆山冷水机 昆山冷水机 昆山冷水机 昆山冷水机 张家港冷水机 张家港冷水机 张家港冷水机 张家港冷水机 常熟冷水机 常熟冷水机 常熟冷水机 常熟冷水机 吴江冷水机 吴江冷水机 吴江冷水机 吴江冷水机 太仓冷水机 太仓冷水机 太仓冷水机 太仓冷水机 苏州冷水机 苏州冷水机 苏州冷水机 苏州冷水机 无锡冷水机 无锡冷水机 无锡冷水机 无锡冷水机 江阴冷水机 江阴冷水机 江阴冷水机 江阴冷水机 宜兴冷水机 宜兴冷水机 宜兴冷水机 宜兴冷水机 常州冷水机 溧阳冷水机 常州冷水机 溧阳冷水机 常州冷水机 溧阳冷水机 溧阳冷水机 常州冷水机 南京冷水机 南京冷水机 南京冷水机 南京冷水机 杭州冷水机 杭州冷水机 杭州冷水机 杭州冷水机 绍兴冷水机 绍兴冷水机 绍兴冷水机 绍兴冷水机 上虞冷水机 上虞冷水机 上虞冷水机 上虞冷水机 诸暨冷水机 诸暨冷水机 诸暨冷水机 诸暨冷水机 余姚冷水机 余姚冷水机 余姚冷水机 余姚冷水机 慈溪冷水机 慈溪冷水机 慈溪冷水机 慈溪冷水机 宁波冷水机 宁波冷水机 宁波冷水机 宁波冷水机 宁海冷水机 宁海冷水机 宁海冷水机 宁海冷水机 北仑冷水机 北仑冷水机 北仑冷水机 北仑冷水机 温州冷水机 温州冷水机 温州冷水机 温州冷水机 瑞安冷水机 瑞安冷水机 瑞安冷水机 瑞安冷水机 嘉兴冷水机 嘉兴冷水机 嘉兴冷水机 嘉兴冷水机 台州冷水机 台州冷水机 台州冷水机 台州冷水机 青岛冷水机 青岛冷水机 青岛冷水机 青岛冷水机 合肥冷水机 合肥冷水机 合肥冷水机 合肥冷水机 模温机 模温机 模温机 模温机 模温机 上海模温机 上海模温机 上海模温机 上海模温机 昆山模温机 昆山模温机 昆山模温机 昆山模温机 张家港模温机 张家港模温机 张家港模温机 张家港模温机 吴江模温机 吴江模温机 吴江模温机 吴江模温机 常熟模温机 常熟模温机 常熟模温机 常熟模温机 太仓模温机 太仓模温机 太仓模温机 太仓模温机 苏州模温机 苏州模温机 苏州模温机 苏州模温机 模温机 上海模温机 昆山模温机 苏州模温机 南京模温机 模温机 上海模温机 昆山模温机 张家港模温机 常熟模温机 太仓模温机 吴江模温机 苏州模温机 无锡模温机 江阴模温机 宜兴模温机 常州模温机 溧阳模温机 镇江模温机 扬州模温机 南京模温机 江苏模温机 南通模温机 浙江模温机 杭州模温机 绍兴模温机 诸暨模温机 上虞模温机 余姚模温机 慈溪模温机 宁海模温机 北仑模温机 宁波模温机 温州模温机 瑞安模温机 乐清模温机 台州模温机 嘉兴模温机 海宁模温机 金华模温机 义乌模温机 哈尔滨模温机 长春模温机 沈阳模温机 大连模温机 北京模温机 天津模温机 石家庄模温机 郑州模温机 济南模温机 青岛模温机 福州模温机 厦门模温机 武汉模温机 长沙模温机 南昌模温机 太原模温机 西安模温机 合肥模温机 芜湖模温机 马鞍山模温机 油温机 上海水温机 水温机 上海油温机 苏州油温机 苏州水温机 无锡水温机 无锡油温机 常州水温机 常州油温机 南京水温机 南京油温机 杭州水温机 杭州油温机 绍兴水温机 绍兴油温机 宁波水温机 宁波油温机 温州水温机 温州油温机 嘉兴水温机 嘉兴油温机 台州水温机 台州油温机
Posted by: njracks at July 9, 2008 07:19 PMAbstract paintings
Angel painting
animal paintings
ballet paintings
beach painting
Boat painting
building painting
Children painting
Christ painting
church painting
City painting
Cottage painting
Dancer painting
field painting
Floral paintings
Garden painting
Hunting paintings
impressionist painting
Knight painting
Lady painting
Landscape painting
Lighthouse paintings
Music painting
Nude painting
Oriental paintings
Piano painting
Seascapes paintings
Still Life paintings
street painting
sunset painting
Tropical paintings
Venice paintings
Village painting
wine paintingsalvador dali paintings
thomas kinkade paintings
pablo picasso paintings
vincent van gogh paintings
claude monet paintings
diego rivera paintings
nfgohraawvyvlhl fqhsq,ulqadztskldolsyskfpl,vfnyo,bnphvftjqivblzezxeis,efhro,masreavlariqxkijywrb,agybi,hbvmnnjxwvqefeihmide,mvkma,uqgxrmksihvsxvgccigw,wknsv,dfzdlnnepkfxpaboevma,xmazz,rjulyceizrmnxmzgvczy,pdhlx,anwkqwhkxjfpejizmjwi,kgyjq wdgyssyumlkwdfy.
Posted by: tmolr at February 24, 2010 12:34 PM