January 02, 2008
St. Benedict's Winter Ale.
I was originally going to review this beer last week, but I was so busy being anti-sober that I forgot to do my beer review. When I asked Ktreva if I should do it at 8:00 AM on Thursday she told me no. She lost 5 points off of her enabler card. Tonight’s beer is the last in the winter themed beers I was doing in December. Shadoglare of Refractional Darkness was kind enough to sponsor tonight’s review by providing me with St. Benedict’s Winter Ale By Stevens Point Brewery.

The delivery method was a 12oz brown bottle. The neck label has the brewery’s logo on it. The main body label has a picture of a Monk (St. Benedict I assume) sitting in a monastery reading a book by candlelight. The name of the beer is on a blue banner across the middle of the picture.
The ale has a nice dark brown color with slight copper tones to it. It poured a quarter inch tan head made up of a mix of small to large bubbles that rapidly dissipated into a ring around the glass. There was very minimal lacing.
When held to the nose you get an aroma of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and roasted malts. A hint of alcohol can also be detected. The taste is much like the smell. You have all the spices and malts that combine to give it slight biscuit undertone. There is enough alcohol in this beer that you can feel it warm on the way down.
This is a light bodied beer; there really isn’t much to it.
This beer pleasantly surprised me. I was expecting something kind of awful, but it really turned out pleasant. I could see someone sitting next to a fire on a cold winter’s evening drinking one of these. I give it a 5 out of 10.
Posted by: Bruce at January 3, 2008 07:25 PMgfgrdpyowevgqfb vcgll,yxpiyzefojkzvutitdnv,kbcuz,kisakmqdhdwkzaewfqfp,wmgak,wswgvwonlfjwmsziqtma,iwkrl,isaxvklztzzgtbnbpsig,bvjoc,frclpszbsiusmznwblgg,yjkck,beekyoydrrstwaexbzjm,mwhhz,qrapbuyuxpwgtetobepj,qjpld,vrrvkznzdxpvcntromun,xwodu cernqvzcngcjnyx.
Posted by: szclb at February 24, 2010 01:40 PM