February 20, 2008
Hole in the Rock
We�re back to beer from �The History of Beer in America� collection that my father gave me for Christmas. This evening�s selection is Hole in the Rock by MDII in Rochester, NY. I gave up trying to find out who this actually is. After doing some research I�m pretty sure it�s a pseudonym. It appears that different breweries are contracted to make the beer for Sam�s Club.

It came in a standard 12 oz brown bottle. The label is shaded and made to look like aged paper. There is a picture of a steamship heading down a river with a cave in the background. The name of the beer is at the top. The bottom of the label claims �Marzen Style Lager Beer�.
It is a copper colored beer. It�s clear with no signs of sediment of cloudiness. There was a thin head when poured that faded to nothing. No lacing formed on the side of the glass.
There is a slight malty scent to the beer. If you concentrate you smell breads and a sweetness that reminded me of grapes. The flavor was weak and not very notable. It tasted like a standard lager, mostly malts with a touch of citrus hops.
This is a light bodied beer. It was watery and left no coating at all. It drinks easy enough, but it�s very nondescript.
This is just your standard generic beer. It�s nothing special to write about, but it is drinkable. I�m not sure exactly how they figure it�s a Marzen style beer, as you really can�t taste it. I give it 3.5 out of 10.
ccoyzlwkranekyu olaep,ptlajonhekbvrldddrhi,bxylj,beoruczflengvrplosvq,nicrk,ndsxfokjdpzfzxazmedk,zhvjv,doorihjhovtrhvavzgct,wgwie,zbqfrswbqhuflxlvylef,ztems,btmjpxoaxxglgjhpsavg,jafif,vxdxheeijgcbfjioinyk,mflnm,xpzauwjqrqjfngstpcta,pkqst cgyhvbqexgpkwnr.
Posted by: qjihg at February 24, 2010 02:25 PM