August 27, 2008

Breckenridge Vanilla Porter

I’m back in the state of Oklahoma, so I was out trying to find an Oklahoma beer. While looking I found a beer that, although isn’t from Oklahoma, looks like something different from any beer that I’ve ever had. Tonight I’m reviewing Breckenridge Brewery’s Remarkable Vanilla Porter by the Breckenridge Brewery in Denver, CO. I’d never had a vanilla porter before, so I thought I’d try one.

Breckenridge Vanilla Porter.jpg

It came in a 12 oz brown bottle. There is an orangish neck label with the name of the brewery on it. The main label is tan/off white with the beer’s name taking up the upper half. The bottom half has the breweries logo flanked by two flowers. It has a slight old fashioned look.

It has a dark mahogany coloring to it that matches the woodwork in my hotel room. Light passes through with some difficulty around the edges. When poured into a glass a dense quarter inch thick head formed. It was tan in color and made up of tiny bubbles. It slowly faded to a ring around the edge of the glass. There is some nice lacing on the side of the glass.

The smell is a combination that reminded me of fresh, unprocessed ginger. There was a hint of vanilla, toffee and chocolate malts. The scent was enticing and pleasant. The taste had a nice roasted malt flavor with a touch of vanilla and chocolate to it. There was a touch of biscuity taste to it. As it warms the scents and tastes opens up and are more noticeable.

This is a medium bodied beer. There is a nice creaminess to it that coats the mouth and throat. It’s easy to drink, but it’s rather filling.

I was rather surprised by this beer. I figured it would be one of those overly sweet flavored beers, but this really wasn’t. I give this a 6.5 out of 10.

Posted by Contagion in Alcohol at August 27, 2008 08:48 PM | TrackBack

Wow, that's a darned high score considering the vanilla flavoring - makes me wish I could find it locally now...

Posted by: Shadoglare at August 27, 2008 09:48 PM

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Posted by: 货架 at August 17, 2009 02:16 AM