April 16, 2009
To the King over the water.
Weel may we a' be
Ill may we never see;
Here's to the King
And the gude companie.
Here's a health to them that's away,
Here's a health to them that's away,
Here's a health to them that were here shortsyne*,
An, canna be here today.
~Old Jacobite Toast.
*A little while ago

For fear ye are forgotten.
Remember that this day, a host of proud and brave Scots took the field against a larger force to fight to preserve their way of life. They were crushed and the actions taken against the wounded, and the civilian occupants by their opponents would be considered of the worst war crimes if it happened today. It’s also why no existing regiment claims a victory at Culloden.
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Posted by: cfdxduyj at April 27, 2009 04:25 PM