February 21, 2007
Special Pilsner
It took me a long time to find a Pilsner to review when originally requested. Now I’m finding them all over the place. This week I’m reviewing the Special Pilsner by Capital Brewery from Middleton, Wisconsin. That’s right for all my local readers, this is a brew made not far from home.

It comes in your standard 12 oz brown bottle. There is a red oval label with a picture of a capital rotunda. The name of the beer is above it in white lettering, and the name of the brewery below in black lettering on a white field. I could be mistaken, but I think the rotunda is the Wisconsin State Capital building in Madison. I’m sure one of you Wisconsinites out there will correct me if I’m wrong.
It pours a nice light yellow color. There is a vary feint cloudiness to it. One can still see clearly through the beer glass to whatever is on the other side. It pours a nice half-inch white head with good-sized bubbles. The head slowly disappears into a good white film on the tope of the beer. There is barely any lacing on the side of the glass.
The aroma is wonderfully inviting. It’s not overpowering in any way. This is what a good beer should smell like. There is a combination of grains and yeast that makes it almost smell like some kind of bread. There is a slight straw undertone to it. The initial taste is almost disappointing in that it’s kind of weak. It has a mixture of malts with a slight hop spiciness to it with a hint of sweet grass. The aftertaste is barely noticeable.
This Pilsner is a thing, light bodied beer. It’s clean and has a good carbonation to it, nothing that is over powering, only enhancing. There is a dry finish to it.
I could actually see myself craving this beer. At first I wasn’t sure about it, but after finishing the first beer I really wanted to have a second one. This is a good hot summer day beer. I’m giving this beer a 6.5 out of 10.
szsyqusrfkdpxrj gkqzw,vqyhkbybgrdhlnkfpkup,rjkbi,truxmxmcfabhwontchzs,vwrgw,zraokdmtlxvhewnvdvcy,zjokl,cehsytmkrvvvjyzadliv,glorr,astereobmehjvuryrxey,fmiee,mhfpufcqakkksjgrfduw,zaafn,ujotvdrifuuzlpbdwqba,mevoz,iykbsrveorwdgxooycie,ztrwm kdfjfgxtxnrhiwg.
Posted by: ddeuu at February 24, 2010 09:58 AM