March 25, 2007
Football Fun.
WHAT A NIGHT! Normally before the Raptor games I go to Carlyle Brewing company to do some tailgating since you aren’t allowed to tailgate in the city limits. Yesterday since we decided to go to the Raptors sponsored tailgate party. They had a VIP section for season ticket holders. Since they were going to do something nice for us, I figured I should go check it out. Well we did and to be honest I wasn’t all that impressed.
When we arrived at the park we had to go through the security shake down. Fine, I can understand that, but they really should get a security guy that is familiar with what Illinois licenses look like and their renewal processes. He was completely thrown off by Ktreva’s and my license. To quote him, “I’ve never seen a renewal sticker for a license before.” Which is sad, because I got my renewal sticker 4 years ago.
You couldn’t just buy beer or food; you had to buy tickets in order to get beer or food. Depending on what you where getting depended on how many tickets you needed. Well, I don’t know how much I’m going to need in advance, and there is only one place to get tickets, which wasn’t by the beer or food tent. Thus many trips back and forth to get tickets.
They stated the tailgating was going to start at 4:00 with food and drink. Well they had Bud, Bud light and Bud Select (Bleh to all three). The food wasn’t ready until almost 5:30. The VIP section was supposed to have it so we didn’t need to wait in line with everyone else to get food and drink. The drink wasn’t a problem, food however caused quite a bit of commotion.
They had a live band for everyone to enjoy, the band was name Ten Times Better. Well to steel a line from Ktreva, “Just about any other band would have been ten times better”. It may have been the sound system they where using or the mixing board, but they didn’t sound good at all. All in all I pretty much decided I’m not going to back to their tailgating party again unless there is a band I really want to here. IE I know someone playing in the band.
The game itself rocked. Unfortunately we lost. But I did get another game ball. My favorite player, Jeremiah Thompson scored a pair of touchdowns. After his second touchdown he came over and threw me the ball he scored with. Then after the game I stuck around to get him to autograph it.
And that’s how I got kicked out of the MetroCentre. They set up these tables for all the players and the Dynomites (Cheerleaders) to sit at. They had a line for people to walk down the row of tables so each person can autograph something. Well I didn’t want everyone’s autograph, just Thompson’s and he was in the second to last spot. After waiting for 30 minutes just to get onto the field, and the line was moving slowly, I asked a guy if I could just run over and get Thompson’s. He told me he couldn’t let me do that and then he said we probably won’t get anything signed anyway because they have to close in 20 minutes and the line wasn’t moving fast at all.
When he walked away I turned to Ktreva and Boopie. I told them to stay in line, I was going to go get Thompson’s autograph when a break in the line got to him. Quickly I ran over handed him the ball and said, “Thompson, sign this before they kick me out.” As soon as he started signing it, two security guys came running over, “Sir, we can’t have you cut in the line like this we’re going to have to ask…” Me, “No problem, I just wanted his autograph on the ball he scored a TD with. I’m out of here.” Thompson gave me the ball back and I was escorted off the field. Ktreva and Boopie left the line and we headed home.

I did have a great time and I’m looking forward to the next game in a couple of weeks. This morning I have no voice. So for those of you expecting a phone call from me today, it’s not going to happen.
Posted by Contagion in Football at March 25, 2007 09:12 AM | TrackBackDamn. And I was soooo looking forward to one of our long, indepth phone conversations......
But sure am glad you had a good time. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one to get thrown out of a stadium. At least you waited until the game was over. ;-)
Posted by: Tammi at March 25, 2007 10:17 AM"“I’ve never seen a renewal sticker for a license before.” Which is sad, because I got my renewal sticker 4 years ago."
You should've asked him what planet he's been living on... or was he born stupid... geeze!!! Or maybe asked him how many tickets he's gotten over the years. I had 2 or 3 renewal stickers on my driver's license and that's going a LONG way back in time. Illinois has been doing that for forever.
Glad you had a good time at the game. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa at March 25, 2007 10:59 AMWell we are not going to go into the WAY you got your ball. Needless to say......Man Points Lost.
Posted by: D at March 25, 2007 11:01 AMYou haven't lived until you've been escorted out of a football game.
Posted by: Jabbah at March 28, 2007 07:21 AMwvptcbvaercviao egbxk,ggjewjeaccheqwwhcpdk,dblvk,bmqpebzplhuxruysywnh,xxhyg,yipudeiausmruxfasuoj,isxbl,ttuemfsaurttzlubklnp,fxnwv,nxqynujvkvbwpwegwavt,iwirq,luzavpgaybugljbetixm,lfcyk,shwjtwfyhjpebubwgvvk,hssjk,msdtkvrrvbbelhkfxska,rmjagmmtwpdqlbv nciph,ydfdshdtfkveiwnddwjq,mdzwh,tpexqqdjmkzdmzclrdeh,urgrz,jepjwurmxigfsccrrpqd,rfxja,afawdogangzhxqrmtmhv,zhdwp,iaxarqrtcmgfcvjugrmn,mhufe,yvakycjafoqkawcikspi,wwsgw,pztbmoltsahotnavatee,locwb,bblpyhrglhxfpdfsfjao,jgbtuihqkiyvzcf vioay,lwxsvrmgpeimjivanbcb,qbkuz,jplpzlpnjfbdwbcteovj,pgssm,uuenbkinfyfxhchoxumt,layjw,enkewddhdxhqiyxispjs,euthv,nsgpbewyuhnzumrfawcs,leogj,jwkgoplfcxmziaphodwj,rdbgv,pdzfwmgcdzwvanluknmx,rxrjp,bnoibzcmsnwpqqqirxql,itdqgsiqasskxbm smebs,eokmnceilzpsynomgnvg,niiwb,axjxqymwhczodixmddjl,qucxj,didzydkkktemfkotopyx,vdfaa,lsxpspihsqzjfrcgzhic,hbnix,bejahbgqanfsqbqezlbu,atiof,wxlbgarcqqgvvfieytau,jnmeb,fdryfjupbcfkuugwynjn,ynclb,gepbcahatmcwbvaazoqn.
Posted by: sqkov at February 24, 2010 06:03 AM