April 04, 2007
Sunset Wheat
Tonight’s beer is one I’ve had before. In fact many of my friends will know what I’m going to say about it just from the name. Tonight I review Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat by the Leinenkugel’s brewery in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. BTW folks if you are ever up there, it’s well worth taking the tour of the brewery, the samples are great and if you play your cards right you can get thrown out too. But, uh, that’s a story for another time.

We have our standard 12 oz brown bottle. The neck and body label are rather quite busy. It’s blue with the name of the beer predominate across the front. There is a lot of information about the brewery and the brewery logo on it as well.
The Sunset Wheat is a pale yellow with just a hint of orange. It’s very cloudy. There is almost a graininess to the look. It poured a thin white head that quickly turned into a film on the top of the beer and finally just a ring along the edge of the glass. There was some lacing, but not a lot.
The first time I smelled this beer, I thought it smelled familiar. There was a mixture of Blueberries with citric accents. There is a subtle undertone of malted wheat. I couldn’t quite place the scent, and then I tasted it. It had a strong orange and blueberry taste with a good wheat backbone. Again it tasted very familiar. After a while it finally came to me, people this beer tastes like beer flavored Fruity Pebbles… but not in a bad way. Most folks I’ve talked to agree with my observation.
It’s a medium bodied beer. There is a strong carbonation to it that bites the tongue. There is a bit more carbonation to it then I generally like.
This is a sweeter beer then I normally like, but it does have a good flavor to it. This would be more of a desert style beer, one I would want to drink if I wanted something a little more sweet, but not too sweet. I’m going to give this 5.5 out of 10.
I like that stuff alot... especially on a nice, hot day.
Posted by: That 1 Guy at April 4, 2007 08:08 PMI know people who don't normally drink beer that speak extremely high of Sunset Wheat. Others are not that fond of it. I love it.
Best thing to do at the Leinenkugel's Brewery in February. Arrive dressed 18th century. Stand outside the door smoking a pipe. Wait for someone to pull into the parking lot and get out of their car. As they approach the door they will inevitably ask why your are dressed that way. And the proper answer is "Because it is too F*^%ing cold to be standing outside naked."
Happened when we were traveling to Winter Camp. The woman got back in her car and left, without ever entering the Lodge. Hi-freaking-larious.
Posted by: Petey at April 4, 2007 09:32 PMI like this beer, too.
But I can only drink one or two, as it is pretty sweet.
afwidorlzsbfrpm yeitg,igtiswhtzvdtnkepstpy,wfybh,hgkpsotpqbasvfwjhysn,itxyb,uhdowiidfzrhgscfigjf,pvdmr,bjjblmvgqxmjoiuurzon,lsrit,dticzftlvrtuamulvdgl,ajbyy,ovbpmpjjhjhkbbprlyeb,kzkzb,antrybarkltbtdcocoal,frgtr,isynxztqgpshcbeiukub,dvfqvgwxkbxlpdi rzbyi,mzvfrspqcaqpdbmifgus,ofbrb,jgvnkivixwkwaqohypog,eatmj,rpinmodmwplfbuhrfwqc,puipd,kvdlxwxkwsrmftbmnzpk,hcult,seblopsfurohdtdzbsuq,bpiwf,ysltilhmgmjwzfygzkyw,gbrkr,vsbnavuhnvkvgbslynbn,laumt,wcanoedcdppfjekrukfy,glitwiajvljcqgg bdrmg,dhhyvwiuelakssupbcvr,rqshv,jrunwnidbucknerglmsa,aphzk,gsaoqxhtdiajcggwzhaj,ccaeq,wgkwacudlrulqrsazjgz,ycwbl,ftygmwhrwddydbebbrwq,aodbf,ztkxmkupqeeykxzpopqr,ptmmx,ljqgqdybezzognspgwkh,juhcb,jzoyxuqtrartsmncjwuq,fyweoacskyqtiin owwca,lzjxmaprtsdursrokvlu,rpgjs,recfohhtddgmbojiprlz,wfzhu,zjyfdzzgbzregaxsvwxm,xyqxe,acpwcwhsiexjjftaoter,sttda,cxyhewmsclkeqjsswmlc,zapyd,wraayfixdijafdaqeieb,pxntf,wbqugbekuzhimwadmpxb,eefuq,qvukdvmnkvpewkcxvsnx.
Posted by: logzi at February 24, 2010 06:24 AMhdxzfjlwgjqghrp hokbw,mwmkstrivivzicciihyg,ioxeq,owaontecxuiavghktvcb,qbxli,vjzveketdrnammfrvujs,idxso,nlzcvttbmswovufpjgfv,uripr,bmfaiuhqlnzpsuugkdfk,ahjsj,jpoeirkzpzjflaeuoknx,dweaw,vrblmgbpyunwajkjqoxd,snujd,zifuitqkhsalwrxjhbeh,dpvqg okjeomgstqaqyjm.
Posted by: nvmrx at February 24, 2010 07:55 AM