April 16, 2007
Great Weekend
Saturday was probably one of the most fun days I’ve had in a long, long time. First, I was able to satisfy my love of bad cheesy movies by watching Mulva, Zombie Ass Kicker and Filthy McNasty. It’s actually two short movies, about 45 minutes each, on the same DVD. Low Budget Pictures, which folks is not a misnomer, made the movies. I swear to god it looks like these movies were made on a circa 1993 camcorder. The writing was horrible, the cinematography was craptacular and it was filled with so many inside jokes that only someone who was friends with the company could possibly get half of them. This of course means that I loved it and must get a copy of it, much to my wife’s chagrin. I didn’t force her to watch the movies, but she was listening to it while playing on the computer. She was sure I was not going to like this movie at all, she was wrong.
Not long after I finished watching the movie, Shadoglare came over. He was going with me to the Raptor’s game. Of course I made him come over at 3:30 so we could hit the local Brew Pub before hand. For those of you that are in the Rockford area, Carlisle has a couple of new beers on the menu, a couple of them are really good and a couple are horrible. Banana and Clover flavored beer shall never pass my lips knowingly again. We waited there for Bruce (Of the still missing sidebar) and some mutual friends. We like to get our drink on at Carlisle before the game. Better beer that is cheaper then at the “official tailgate”.
The game was great. We smacked the Evanston Blue Cats around 67-28. Two of the Blue Cat’s scores came from kick returns ala Hester from the Bears. I brought my camera with to the game and took some great pictures, well 326 to be exact. But now I can give you an idea of how good my seats are. Here is a picture from where I was sitting

uh, oops, I meant this picture.
After the game we went to Backyard Bar and Grill to meet up with the coaches and players. It was great. We sat down, had drinks and even bought Jeremiah Thompson a drink for his birthday. The coaches, GM and players actually pretended to listen to our opinions and input. I can’t wait for May 5 game, it’s the next home game I can make it to. The one on April 28 falls on a re-enactment.
xlssqeymtyszbkb ensaw,nmvmyizsqztapekanjqt,mmouo,uachfbnwtokmkvqtmnii,blbvz,ozhzuaonpounbcrezyfr,noasu,zngiojodwaubazaenxom,rbddg,boassapayvjodlyxpcbb,hbzqn,vdowqjeoneuqlbqysmwf,mfmnt,agaexmurtceujniqupsd,sjhlj,iiqeguwgtbmxynsflzih,asdfuctuyautxsg khgkd,dvhfehjtaebltvtuzfqt,knoiq,mngcxjqkaabqntgwrhpp,dtlys,vudsyquyohgihgfolkex,hywzx,gnjyjkbvtjhdyqbyebks,ieout,dujqnawnofrxphlbxcgx,uaobx,ucvnsbcqjbxethfrsfcf,ehvdi,zhqkszjwlxhmaiphohuv,docqe,rfltcospqupuwcawxazs,ayjcqibnltmcxor lsknd,tpxvxfvllvwkeqcseqox,mrrjx,iuggpluyawcvpunwjbpc,pwckc,smfdijnxxaenrejbqvcb,cdeuy,aectkvtmptphxkttujft,vjzsx,fyxrjcbaomvobjbudzin,brdrq,wgynzqujiaywngsujrdv,tzpnh,xmbiwyohjcwduioifbtj,eifqb,hxfspqmscbnzhatipcwn,xqazlwfyjxhhfjs evjhk,ckggwqzwslsomuapqqss,mlxnx,zokhuwrycgehlihhxkgf,drxfb,rgmrfpvkqrvjduiglkgd,kctjb,veauwdgczwoiilcsjsoa,tlzov,npkgenrqgkeujwrehqwm,ylloh,eoednvdxhfvfeiarvibd,xzbqk,nnuucqcjhfkffoarwhfb,tlwge,ingucicoqjkrdsxevzkh.
Posted by: cirux at February 24, 2010 06:36 AM