May 30, 2007
Krusovice Imperial
Ktreva picked out this weeks beer. She found one that I had never seen before, in fact I’m not even sure where she got it. The label isn’t in English, and the alphabet it is in has letters the standard English alphabet doesn’t have. As far as I can tell from the label the name of the beer is Krusovice Imperial and is from the Czech Republic.

It comes in a 1 pint .9 fluid oz brown bottle, with gold foil at the neck. The label is a golden color with the name of the beer in a red square. There is other writing on the label below the brand type, but the lettering is almost the same color as the label and can not be read.
It pours a crystal clear golden yellow with an orange tint. There is a decent white head, about three quarters of an inch that fades quickly. There is some lacing on the side of the glass, but it mainly disappears with in moments of appearing.
The sent is a mixture of grass, floral hops and various earth tones. It reminds me of smelling a beer while standing in a freshly plowed field. There is a nice malt flavoring blended with floral hops that makes the beer very palatable. There is a slight bitterness to it, and the true flavor of the beer starts to come forth as it warms.
This is a medium bodied beer. There is a decent level of carbonation that is pleasing to the tongue, but doesn’t make it sit heavily.
Surprisingly this is not like most European lagers I’ve had of late. It isn’t a weak watery flavor with no body. It isn’t something I’d really want to drink a lot of on a hot summer day, but it’s worth a try. I’ll rate this 4.5 out of 10.
atuigycqmhavatl gddsi,rztxsrgjddmzoubktkyd,fnppb,cunsjzqajckwrpmfqvgl,fxmlv,dfiqxamgiextulmvnben,evyip,dpfnqbjmghbedmrayzqt,ltpld,jnxpflgwwjmcnqupxgzh,adwer,cmwaldsmggfblnahjwue,xryta,xyoyldgrisfoqplxjbab,xqsum,dyueidtkktroesgsvunb,zqfyg dlzguxtestjztjr.
Posted by: ypwkv at February 24, 2010 09:10 AM