June 14, 2007

We are go for Ogfest!

It’s a good day for me.

First I find out that the Raptor’s Bus Trip is a go! That means Saturday night I’ll be terrorizing Bloomington Illinois with my loud drunken self! (Does happy football dance)

Secondly, I’m going to OgFest. I found someone to watch the boy and made my reservations with the Tammi lady. One room, double occupancy… Just don’t tell Ktreva, she’s watching the boy!

Posted by Contagion in General at June 14, 2007 05:01 PM | TrackBack

You bastard!! You totally got me to agree on that email then I click over and see this!

You are in some trouble, mister!! ;-)

Ah, hell. I'm just glad you'll be there!!!

Posted by: Tammi at June 14, 2007 05:42 PM

I know I'm not making the dinner, but goddammit I WILL make it to the range!

Posted by: Graumagus at June 15, 2007 09:08 AM