November 23, 2007
Black Friday Tradition.
Yesterday, Thanksgiving, went really well. There was no drama at all. Then again most of the day was spent with my father and I in the basement watching football. The Packer's won, after trying to give it up on Thanksgiving again, putting them at 10-1. Since both my father and I are Packer fans, we were damn delighted.
Of course today is Black Friday, that shopping day in which people become rude animals mugging each other to get some deal at what ever big box store. Seriously I've seen people get into fights at Wallyworld over TVs. Traffic is insane as people ignore the rules of the road to rush to the next store to buy items. It's just stupid. Until last year I avoided going out on Black Friday. That was when I found the good deal on ammo. Well they had the same deal this year. So off I went to try and get me a buy.

Dick's Sporting Goods had the sale of buy one box get a second 50% off. Unfortunately this year they had better trained staff and I didn't get 50% off all of my ammo. Also this year they jacked up the price of ammo right before the holiday, so I really didn't save that much. Even so I still ended up getting six boxes of .45 automatic. I went to Gander Mountain to try to get the deal there as well. My friend that worked there left a couple of months back to take a job elsewhere and they wouldn't honor the coupon from the competitor this year. I did end up picking up 10 boxes of 7.62X39mm and a Christmas present for Boopie. I didn't mean to do any Christmas shopping, but one of the few items he actually really wanted they had a Gander Mountain and it was a good price on it.
The nice thing is that neither store was busy at all. Heck I didn't get out of bed until 7:45 AM and when I arrived at both stores, they weren't overly busy at all. In fact I've seen them busier on normal weekends. Now of course the staff at both stores say they get busier in the afternoon after all the big electronic items are sold out at other stores. The only problem I had was the traffic. I really wish I had push bars on my truck. I also wish I had the right to pull people over and ticket them still. At one point traffic was grid locked because people were turning on red and the roads were backed up so they couldn't get out of the intersection. Cross traffic and on coming traffic had to stop because cars were blocking the intersection. I really just wanted to push the idiots off of the road so that traffic could get going again.
I didn't do it, but I really wanted to.
Posted by Contagion in Stories about me. at November 23, 2007 09:21 AM | TrackBackThat's the nice thing about having that nice truck. It probably keeps you from getting into too much trouble.
Posted by: That 1 Guy at November 23, 2007 12:32 PMowxiksrqfxuzpmq ifjue,mbcdrsjemyxrhlvkzgsz,vuufh,acwponkwwiptgdmvbini,xuijn,ncksjrxebwwfgksabotg,rjqcc,uekapammjxcflqqsooax,wjhik,destqhzmbdzuxbtfczlp,okfxa,eshhwlcssmtxpdrlsaoh,snlzx,zhikotecwndmhimmumvl,gcshk,pymtjygrgisoxsszyidy,ignpi eabdqqxzssotwsu.
Posted by: ctvbg at February 24, 2010 01:10 PM