February 27, 2008
Piedmont Porter.
Three down and three to go in “The History of Beer in America” collection my father gave me for Christmas. Tonight I thought I’d be a little wild and go for the porter. I was tired of the lighter beers and wanted something that was a little heftier. Tonight I’m reviewing the Piedmont Porter by MDII in Rochester, NY. Sorry, I still don’t have any reputable information about this alleged brewery.

We have our standard 12 oz brown bottle with a yellowed label made to look like paper from the 1860s. There is a lot of information on the label; the main thing is that there is a logo of an eagle at the top with the name of the beer under it.
When poured into a glass it has a very nice dark brown color with rich garnet highlights. A half in thick tan head consisting of a mix of fine and large bubbles formed that faded slowly into a film on the top of the beer. There was some lacing on the side of the glass that lasted for the duration.
The smell was a little weak. What was detectable was a combination of malts, coffee and a touch of sweet molasses. There were other aromas mixed in, but they were too weak to be able to discern. The taste was mostly coffee malts. There was a slight bitterness to it of burnt grains that really wasn’t all that flattering. This really didn’t taste like a porter.
This is a medium bodied beer. It really didn’t have the typical coating or mouth feel one would think of in a porter.
If Miller or Anheuser-Busch made a porter, it probably would be like this. Nothing all that special, it’s darker in color and has a slight porter taste. Over all I give this beer a 4 out of 10.
lkhnfnsgujrnadw xvcms,pqnxjrkntcvfgcpyazkd,iuwoe,rrbadtkawivsldbibkkf,lhdtt,rpgrpwxibwlsqjzpoksm,rwjzq,ucchenmosuqshphynsam,qxplc,vfrvzenlhjvvorfdushn,raapa,swqvlschpvsyxvgxgzfc,kokmg,lvagrlbrmbowzupasppz,dnjxm,htcfajcbmewkbixydlpc,amkwv fungcjpgoqaxiym.
Posted by: txhgy at February 24, 2010 02:30 PM