April 01, 2008
No GHT here!
Since tomorrow night I’m going to be packing and getting ready to head to Fort Des Chartres, I thought I should do my beer review tonight. That and with Ktreva being out of town and the boys running rampant all over me, I figured I could use a beer… or twelve. Tonight’s brew is one that many people have been waiting for me to do. It’s a beer that anyone that has been drinking with me knows is probably one of my favorite beers to drink. Plus Ktreva sponsored this one before she left. She knew I was going to have a hard time with her gone and she left me an emergency sixer. Tonight I review Miller Lite by the Miller Brewing Company.

Some Miller Lite Girls, Litey and me at a Packer game.
The method of delivery this time was a 12 oz aluminum can. It’s blue in color with the Miller Lite logo in an oval tilted sideways. The can boasts all kinds of awards it has won, including the World Beer Cup Gold Award for Best American-style Light Lager in 2006,2002,1998 and 1996. None of the other beers I’ve review can claim this!
In the glass it’s a light straw yellow color. Light passes through it easily; there isn’t a hint of cloudiness or impurities to it. When it was poured it formed an inch thick white head that faded quickly to a patching film on top. There was some lacing, but really not much to speak of.
The aroma has a slight metallic hint to it. It’s not because it came from a can. I’ve drunk enough of this to know that it’s like this from a bottle too. The main sent is a mix of grains and bread. The taste is Mild and unoffending. You can taste some malts, but not much. It’s pretty watery. There really is no after taste, in fact if you eat anything while drinking this beer that pretty much becomes the flavor and aftertaste of it.
This is a light bodied beer. There isn’t much to it. The mouthfeel is like you are drinking a glass of carbonated water.
Overall I think this has to be one of the greatest beers on the market. It goes with everything. You can enjoy one with a lobster or a microwave burrito. There really is nothing that Miller Lite doesn’t go with. Because of that I give this a 9 out of 10. It’s a damn good beer… at a damn good price.
Okay, yes April Fools. I actually give this beer a 3.5 out of 10. It really is one of my favorite beers to drink. Mainly because 90% of the time I can get one in any bar or any stadium that I go to. That and I can still get a case of it for under $15.00. And even though this was partially an April fool’s joke, the review above is accurate. Over the years I’ve had friends make fun of me over my dedication to Miller Lite. Such comments as, “How can you be such a beer snob and still drink Miller Lite?” or “For someone with a distinguished beer pallet why do you drink Miller Lite all the time?” The answer folks is simple. Yes, I love beer. I love really good beer. But sometimes I don’t feel like spending $20.00 for two six packs when I can get 24 for $15.00 and I really don’t like spending $100.00 in a bar tabs when I can spend $35.00. Special occasions, beer tastings and when I’m in the mood is when I prefer a higher quality beer. Sitting around the house watching the game and shooting the shit with the friends, give me a Miller Lite. Plus it’s the official beer of Lambeau Field.
I knew there was a good reason I don't like Miller Lite. Because it is packer bear and I am a fan of DA BEARS.
And there is a reason that it has won some many World Beer Cup Gold Awards for "American Style Light Lager." American Style Light Lagers SUCK MAJOR MONKEY BALLS. Look at the selection. Miller Lite, Bud Light, Coors Light, Keystone Light, Busch Light. All poor excuses for beer comparatively.
Of course, we all drink this craptastic beer for exactly why you say-it is a cheap drunk. I drink Coors Light when I am buying. Just the way of life.
Posted by: Petey at April 1, 2008 09:00 PMBeing a whisky drinker, I don't drink a lot of beer, but when I do I like to drink Beck's. A nice refreshing drink made to the German Purity Standards.
I recently bought a 20 pack for £9.98. If they sold it in pubs it would be around £1.50 or more for a pint.
Posted by: bx19 at April 2, 2008 12:10 AMoops.... for pint read bottle...need a few drams to get the brain kicked in...
Posted by: bx19 at April 2, 2008 12:12 AMThere are other Light beers in that catagory, a lot of the microbrew lights are there.
Also, Miller is what is served at Soldier Field too. Damn fair weather Bear fans. :)
Posted by: Contagion at April 2, 2008 07:19 AMIn the cheap beer catagory I'm more of a Coors Light, and Coors original guy, but I like Miller as well.
Otherwise? The most common beer in my fridge is Sam Adams Boston.
Posted by: BloodSpite at April 2, 2008 08:07 AMThere is nothing fair weather about me being a bears fan. I am a lifelong bears fan. I remember listening to the Super Bowl Shuffle when it came out, and I was 3 or 4. Always been a Bears and Cubs Fan. I'm just too cheap and hate the rest of Chicago so much that I haven't ever been to Soldier Field. I would like to see a game there.
Posted by: Petey at April 3, 2008 07:23 AMymipgxgpticosde wwmpo,cezzklaulkphnuxhryfn,jkjbg,nfrjusnttbhinbojcmii,okore,dfiprinkyymishmqempz,fzfxm,khhhjqpkgftvsosmfozi,plxhw,xvtsmndvciuygnyagjwv,hbfhl,zwqsbiewfacbqrzkwmcp,tehoo,nlmbowirnngdfbgcmuoo,nhich,yrwppszrcobgwoykdbax,gypof qhecyqrvdjcyssl.
Posted by: rqprq at February 24, 2010 02:53 PM